Chapter 21

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Tw: mention of sex and rape

"I talked ta Spot. I needed some time ta think and Spot is always there for me, but I got bad news." He says, fiddling with his hands. "Race, pleace tell me what's goin' on." I said, becoming scared.

"Spot bumped into your brother tha other day, they started talkin' and-"

"Wait, Spot talked to Sean? Is he alright?" I ask Race, interrupting him completely. "Yes, but that's that's not what I was gonna say. Sean was in Brooklyn with your father. Unfortunately your father found out about you bein' alive and bein' a Girlsie. He paid tha Refuge good money for ya. Everybody is aftha your head Mads, not tha mention that tha is their number one priority at tha moment."

"I can't go back. Dad'll kill me! Not tha mention that tha Refuge means closer ta Mike, and if tha happens he'll.." I swallow my last words, not wanting Race to find out. "What did Mike say Maddison." Race says slowly. I grinch at the use of my name and look up at Race.

"I don't... I don't wanna tell ya..." I mumble. "Jesus Mads! Fuck! Someone is aftha ya head! Tha last ya can do is keepin' this a secret!" He yells at me, and probably trought the whole building. I stare at him, eyes wide and my mouth slightly open.

"I- nobody is aftha my head Race. Dad doesn't want me dead, then I'll be useless." I say slowly. "Yeah, and how long do ya think you will stay alive when he get's his hands on ya?" He says sarcastically. "Race I don't know what's goin' on in ya head, but I's sure I'll be oka-"

"Don't ya get it! I don't want to loose anotha fuckin' friend! I can't loose ya!" He yells. "What do ya mean? When did ya loose a friend?" I ask him, ignoring the fact that he's literally screaming at me. "It doesn't matter, not now, but please tell me at least what happened this mornin'." Race says, begging.

"Mike told me tha whatever happens, he's tha one who's gonna take my virginity. With otha words, he's gonna rape me sooner or later." If Race was drinking some water at the moment, it would now be all trought the room.

"You's still a virgin?!" He says, his mouth wide ajar. "I-I thought that was obvious." I say slowly. "N-no, I thought ya would have done it with Mike." He says, blushing a bright red. "Oh god this is bad." He mumbles to himself.

I frown as I look at the blond haired boy. "Why is this bad?" I ask him, having no clue what he means. "I have never done it with a virgin! What if I hurt ya! Oh shit, what if I get ya pregnant. I could get ya pregnant! You's a goil!"

"Race, ya look intensely cute at tha moment, but I have ta stop ya. Yes, I's a goil, I's glad ya noticed. But this is not important right now, we only started datin' yesterday. This is not on tha table for a long time." Chuckling softly.

"Yes. Right. Rape." He says, trying to order his mind again. "Ya know what Race. Let's go to sleep, we will figure this out in tha mornin'." I say, helping the boy out of the room and into his bed. He smiles softly at me before falling fast asleep.

I look up and see Jack walking towards me. "If ya want ya can have tha room. You'll have a little bit more privacy and, we just thought you'll like it." I nod and walk towards the room. I grab the doorknob, but before heading inside I turn back to Jack.

"Thanks, take care of yaself Jackie, and tha boys. I think it's not gonna take long before we'll ever see each otha again." I say with a smile before heading inside the room.

I sigh when I wake up the next morning. The other boys would prbably wake up in 3 hiurs, but I had to go away. I really love Race, don't get me wrong, but this was the best option.

I comb my hair and place my cap over it. I put on a brown skirt that comes to just above my legs and a white Newsboy blouse to top it of. I smile at myself, it was a long time ago I really wore girl clothes.

I walk into the bunk room, all of the boys still asleep. I smile at them and lie down a small note for Race on the kitchen counter. 

I look around one last time before heading outside, towards my old house. At 6 in the morning I knock at the old door.

My heart skips a beat when I hear the door open and see Sean standing in the doorway. "M-Maddie, what are you doing here? You should go before-"

"Maddison! Darling!" I see dad also appearing in the doorway and I smile at my family. "Hey dad." I say to him, a fake smile plastered on my face. He looks at me one more second before grabbing my arm harshly and pulling me into the room.

"Where have you been!" He spits in my face as he pins me against the wall. I look up at my brother and see him slowly closing the door, keeping his distance but making sure he can reach me if that's needed.

I take a deep breath and slowly turn towards my father, grinning at him. "I thought I'll visit ya, haven't seen ya in a while." I say, pushing him off of me and walking into the living room.

"Like what ya've done to this place." I say, looking around the messy room. Honestly, I hate it, it's nothing like when I leaved. I hear my brother snicker behind me and my father can't take it anymore.

He walks towards me and punch me against the head as hard as possible. Black spots start to cover my sight and I slowly grin. "Glad to be home." I say before fainting.

Words: 1023
Love ya'll! Please like or comment and see you next chapter!!
~ Alex

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