Chapter 27

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"Race wake up." I whisper yell at the boy next to me, shaking his shoulder. "What?" He groans as he rubs his eyes. "There's someone inside the building." Race shots up and we start to dress up before walking downstairs. Finding Albert and JoJo sitting in the living room.

"You's back early." I mumble, trowing my arms over my torso. "Yeah, we 'ad luck." JoJo says, looking at us.

"What's wrong? Why are you two blushing." Albert says, one eyebrow raised. His comment only makes me blush harder and I quickly shot Race a glare.

"Oh no you didn't!" Albert says with a smirk. "Did ya take her virginity ol' rascal!" Albert says to Race..

"Mike already took my virginity, Al.." I mumble. He looks at me for a few seconds before brushing it of.

"Oh my gods this is great blackmail!" Albert was already planning things while JoJo just gave us a side look. "You were doing it save right?" Race started scratching the back of his head while looking at the ground.

"Oh this is even better!" Albert says, his grin only growing. "We didn't do it save 'cause I's already pregnant Albert.." I mumble, looking up at the two boys infront of us.

Their jaws dropped and Albert started frowning. "But.."

"Maybe we should tell you two what happened since Howler left the house that night.." Race says slowly.

The boys nod as JoJo looks up at us. "But I wanna hear everything, no secrets." Race and I nod before sitting down infront of the boys and starting to explain everything.

"Well, I didn't know.." Albert started, looking at the ground. "No one did." I say to the boy, reassuring him. "That doesn't make it any better." JoJo mumbles.

I sigh as I look up at the two of them, not knowing how to convince then that I'm alright.

"Is it true?" I hear someone say
I shot up and when I turn around I see Jack standing in the doorway. "How long have ya been there?" Race asks him.

"Long enough for me to hear what you told them." Jack walks up to us and I see Race starting to get angry again.

"If ya two just told me tha situation." Jack says, not noticing Race. "Yeah well, I didn't really had tha urge tha tell ya." Race spits before getting up and walking out of the building.

Jack looks after him, blinking a few times before looking back at me. "We leave ya two alone for now." JoJo said as he and Albert get up and walk away.

"Ya do know why he's angry in ya, right?" I ask Jack, one eyebrow raised. Jack sighs, slowly nodding. "I kind of let 'im down when he needed me tha most. I's tha worst leader tha Manhattan Newsies evha 'ad."

"Well that's not true, we wouldn't 'ave won tha strike without ya."

"There wouldn't even 'ave been a strike without me." It stays silent after that comment, knowing he is right. "Are ya still mad at me?" Jack asks, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, I haven't forgiven ya yet, and I's hurt aftha what ya said, but I's not mad."

"Yeah, this is maybe even worst." I hear him mumble. I let out a small laugh before looking back up at him. "How are ya gonna tell tha Fellas about tha pregnancy?"

"I's thinkin' about not tellin' them at all.. I don't think it's that big of a deal..." Jack gasps at that and he grabs my hand. "All tha boys are gonna be uncles! You and Race are gonna have a baby! It's big news Howler."

"Well, if ya think it is I let ya choose what ya want to do. You can plan something but please keep it small." Jack nods happily and I get up. "I's gonna search for Race." I say before walking away.

As I walked outside I saw him walking a few alleyways further away with Albert and JoJo. I began to sprint to caught up to them.

"Hey guys." I said, out of breath as I grabbed onto Albert's shoulders. "Did ya run?" He asks. I slowly nod and the three boys begin to laugh.

"We were jus' talkin' about Peanut." JoJo says as they begin to walk again. "Peanut?" I ask the boys. "Yeah, tha little one inside of ya, because it is jus' the size of a peanut at tha moment." Race says, pointing at my stomach.

I laugh at the thought of it. "But ya guys now it's maybe tha size of a green pea?"

They look at me for a few seconds before slowly shaking their heads. "Peanut sounds cute." I say, reassuring them with a laugh. "Did ya thought of a name yet?" Albert asks.

"Well, Race and I did talk about it last night. We came up with an idea for a boy and a girl. And I love the names." I say, smiling at Race who puts his hand in mine.

"So, what do ya plan on callin' 'im?" JoJo asks. "Him?" Race asks in response. "Oh yes, it is a boy." I look over at Albert and chuckle. "I dunno Al, I's pretty sure it's gonna be a girl."

"Nah, but it doesn't matter, I wanna know tha names." I look over at Race who is smirking at me. "I think we keep that a secret 'till the birth." He says. I nod and JoJo and Albert both gasp in unison.

"But that means I 'ave ta wait for 9 months!" Albert whines. "I can't even wait on santa claus..." JoJo slowly says.

"Well, that's a bummer for ya." Race says with a laugh. I laugh along as I see the boys long faces. This day can't get any better.

Words: 971
Ah, I have an idea how to end this and I love it! But for now. Maybe two or three more chapters 'till the end...
~ Alex

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