[11] Brainwashed

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Yena stands on her chair as she watch the three police girls unmasks themselves. Minju secretly places a tracking device under a table behind her. Chaewon then walks in holding a tray of coffees, with Yujin beside her.

"Are you going to keep the guy in here?" Yuri asks and Yena shrugs. "Depends if I still have questions for him." Yena responds. Yujin frees the knocked out guy and drags him inside another room.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill him chief." Yena says While Yuri slips her gun back to holster. "You wanna know something, Chief?" Yena asks why Yuri hums.

"You're the first one to survive and talking with my crew." Yena chuckles while Yuri stays serious. "Geez, Still serious eh?" Yena laughs and then takes a cup of coffee.

Yujin then leaves the room from where he dragged the knocked out guy and locks it from her behind. "What did you do to him?" Wonyoung asks while Yujin places her finger on her lips. "Who knows. Officer." She replies..

Chaewon then places the tray on the table besides Minju and masks themselves again. They wore their bags behind them walking towards the exit. "See you around, Chief."

"Where are you going?" Yuri asks but Yena flashes herself with a safety pin ring on her mouth and runs. Yuri, Wonyoung, and Minju looks down to see a flashbang rolling onto their foot.

Luckily they avoided it and runs for the exit but Yena and her crew have already escaped. Yuri curses under her breath and the backup police arrives late and Yuri remembers the asset..

Wonyoung kicks the door open and finds the wounded guy conscious and a confused look on his face. "Sir, We're gonna get you to hospital and ask you a few questions about Kang Daniel." Minju sits in front of him but the guy shakes his head.

"Kang Daniel? Who is that? Who are you? How did I get here?" The guy responses and Yuri soon punches the nearest wall.


Yena, Chaewon and Yujin then stops their van in front of their hide out in the middle of the woods. Yujin shuts the engine and soon followed the two inside their hideout.

Yena sits on her couch.

"Yujin-ah. Did you brainwashed him that good?" Yena asks and Yujin nods and flashes a thumbs up. "Good. We'll see if they can get the information they want from that guy." Yena chuckles.

"Chaewon, Call Hyewon and let's go to Jeju Island."

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