Chapter 35

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September 7
Iman's Apartment

Iman Martial POV
8 A.M.

Another year, another day, another birthday. I woke up to Scooby, and Kenshi licking my face

"Okay boys chill. Is this your way of saying 'Happy Birthday' to me." I said, moving them away, but they kept coming at me.

"Alright enough guys." I got out of bed to wash my face. Geez, these guys are excited today.

I went into the kitchen to put their food and water out for them so I can go and shower. Taking a 30-minute hot shower, I finally got out. After putting on some lotion, then putting on my white Calvin Klien briefs, black Calvin sports bra, and some light gray joggers.

I went back into the kitchen and made me something to eat. I made myself some pancakes, then made a pineapple, orange, mango, and banana smoothie. I sat down eating while I watched my dogs play with each other. I'm gonna have to take them on a walk soon once I'm done eating.

Alina Rivers POV

"So Alina I don't know if you know but today is Iman 23rd birthday," Dinah said over the phone.

"Really? I never really asked when her birthday was, but now I do know." I said.

"Well, we are going to do a little something for her today. She never really went big on her birthdays growing up, so I guess she will just be with us today. Aren't you in Boston?" Dinah asked me.

"Yes, I came back a few days ago from Las Angeles," I told her.

"Maybe you should come down to our grandparents and spend time with us. I think Iman would enjoy that." I hear her trying to persuade me to come.

"I don't know Dinah," I said. I don't want to intrude on her day. Who knows, maybe she has found someone already, and I'm holding on to something that may not work in the future.

"Oh come on, we all as in John and Karla know that you are missing some of Iman's loving." Then she paused. "Ew, I can't believe I just said that."

I laughed at her, but in a way, she does have a point.

"Alina come on girl. You have been burying yourself in work all this time. I know you a boss and all, but bosses need some loving too, and again ew."

"Your fault not mine." I laughed. "Maybe I could perhaps show up."

"Girl you better the fuck. You two are like meant for each other." Dinah said.

"We are not."

"So you wouldn't be mad if I told you Iman may have a new boo. " What a new girl is in the mix now.

"Who?" I asked.

"Be here by like 2 or later to surprise her okay. Byyyeeee." Then the line went dead. Everything imaginable is going through my head. Like for one who is this new girl, and why she there anyway? Hopefully, she will not show up today.

Iman Martial POV
2:30 P.M.
I went over to my grandparent's house, also taking my dogs with me. I know they are probably going to do something big for me because this will be the first time celebrating my birthday again. I know for a fact it would just be us, and possibly Justus would come over today. The front door is opened, so I just walked right in seeing Grandma Viv watching tv. Kenshi and Scooby went straight to her.

"Well I know Iman is here." She getting playfully attacked by my boys. Once she got up, she went over to me and gave me a hug. "Happy birthday baby."

"Thanks, VIv. I guess they are in the backyard." I replied.

"Yeah, Daniel and Quentin are barbequing. Dinah is out there too, she brought some friends over."

"Oh lord. I'm kind of scared of her friends. I don't know what kind of people she likes to hang out with." I told her.

My dogs and I went to the kitchen, and out the glass slide door.

"There's the birthday girl." I hear Pawpaw say.

"Sister!" I also her Dinah yelled. That girl has a set of lungs on her.

I just waved at them while Dinah made her way to me.

"Happy birthday hoe." she hugged.

"Wow, you act like we are that close." I laughed.

"Aye just because mom and dad literally sent you off I still loved you weird-ass. Besides I was nice to you." I just shook my head, but I do love her though.

Dinah lead me over to this sitting area they have in the backyard. We walked over there, and I saw Karla...


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