Finding Bucky

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Steve was pacing around the plane.

"Are we there yet?!" Steve asked about ready to jump out of the plane.

"We're just following the coordinates from the mission report, for all we know Barnes is far gone from there, Steve." Tony said.

"God damnit!" Steve shouted.

"Calm down, Steve!" Natasha shouted.

"I can't! He could be hurt or dead!"

"And you freaking out isn't helping him. You need to calm down or when we do get to Bucky, if he is hurt, you won't be able to help."

"I just don't understand why he didn't tell us about the mission in the first place! It's our job to take care of these missions!"

"Because you had spent the past three days with Sharon and your best friend was starting to get jealous that he didn't have all your attention anymore." Clint said finding it closest to the truth.

"Starting?" Natasha muttered with a laugh.

"We're here." Tony said changing the subject.

"Thank god!" Steve said and opened the door hurrying out.

"He doesn't even have his shield and he decides to leave the gun?" Natasha said picking it up and heading out after him with a sigh.

"Buck? BUCKY!" He shouted looking around.

"Yes please do ignore all your military training and shout at the top of your lungs letting the enemies know were here." Tony said hopping out of the plane.

"I swear to god you may be iron man but I will not hesitate to hand you your ass Stark!" Steve shouted turning towards him. "Now let me find Bucky! He saved me more times than I can count back in the day! It's my turn to save him and I'll do whatever I can to make sure he doesn't go through what he already went through. I won't let him go through that again! Not while I'm alive!"

Meanwhile, with Bucky

"Well well well, looks like your ol' pal Rogers has come to play." The voice said walking back into the room.

"I'll get out of here! If I learn you hurt him I won't hesitate to kill you!" Bucky shouted trying and failing to break free yet again.

"I already told you it's pointless trying. I have to go kill Captain America but just in case you get any ideas....." the voice trailed off before shooting him in the leg causing him to scream out in pain.

"If you do break free you won't manage to run away." The voice said before walking away.

Back with Steve and the others

"Steve! Come look!" Clint shouted from where he was.

Steve walked over.

"At least he completed the mission before disappearing." Clint said.

Steve sighed and walked over to the passed out bodies.

"Call Fury. Get them in a cell. Someone has to know something." Steve said walking around trying to find something- anything- that could help.

Clint sighed and walked over to Tony and Nat.

"What are we going to do?" Clint asked.

"Exactly as he said. If we try to intervine he'll act like we're HYDRA." Tony said.

"He's going to get himself killed." Natasha said.

"I don't disagree but I think if he finds out that anything's happened to Barnes HYDRA's going to be the one who has to worry. Hell im worried for HYDRA!" Tony said.

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