Oh Baby Part 2

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Hour 4, October 16th, 2 p.m.

Wanda and Pepper had walked around the entire hospital. Twice.

"Wanda, you know, it may not be active labor, but it's still labor. Maybe we should- we should take a break." Pepper said grabbing Wanda's arm in a hope of stopping her.

"Come on! You can't quit on me now! One more go." Wanda complained.

"Wanda, maybe let the doctor check you out." Pepper whispered.

"No! I am not giving birth until Bucky gets here!"

She let out a sigh knowing she wouldn't give up, "Another walk it is then."
"So what are you thinking?" Tony asked.

"That Bucky won't make it in time. That it might ruin everything before it's even started. And that's without thinking of the fact that I'm about to have a baby." Steve answered.

"Ain't like you're the one giving birth, Rogers." He laughed.

"I know but... a child? It's terrifying."

"Eighteen years of your life for another person. And if anything they'll need you more after. You sure you thought this all through?"

"What? Think I'm going to leave like my father did? I swear to god Stark if that's what you think is going to happen you can just go." Steve snapped.

"I don't think that at all. And if you do ever need a break for a day or want to get away with Barnes all you have to do is ask. You know we would all gladly help out."

"Oh god." Steve whispered standing up.

"What's wrong? You going into labor too?" Tony laughed.

"Oh my god I don't think we ever bought baby bottles. We never bought clothes either. Or diapers! What do babies eat anyways?"
"Damn it damn it damn it!" Bucky shouted hitting the dashboard.

"James!" Natasha shouted slamming the brakes just before they crashed into the car in front.

"James? James? Наташа Я клянусь Богом, если мы не успеем-"

-"Natasha I swear to God if we do not make it in time-"-

"We will make it in time just calm down!"

"There is a two hour delay! It's been four hours since we got Steve's call. We won't make it before she's given birth if she hasn't already."

"Steve would call."


"Don't. You can't think like that right now, Bucky."

Bucky sighed grabbing the phone.

"Steve ever show you how to hot wire a car?" He asked.

"You're kidding right? We're not going to steal a car!"

"We're borrowing it. And it's a motorcycle not a car."


"It's the only way we'll make it in time! We can go between the cars! And we can have Tony send someone to pick the car up later."

Natasha sighed looking over at Bucky. They had been in the car for four hours and still had twelve left not including the extra two from the traffic back up.

Thirty minutes later they pulled up to a car and bike store.

Bucky popped the hood of the car.

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