"Im not gonna bite you, get in the bed dumbass."

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The night air was warm, contrasting to the brutal heat the afternoon had brung to Hawkins. The summer days here were long and hot, but the cool nights left a perfect opportunity for parties. Drinking, smoking, and dancing could be found at the infamous Hawkins high parties. Along with my friends and I, the seven of us always seemed up to a good time. Pretending these school free days would last forever in our small town.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when a tall figure bumped into me. Their clumsy figure quickly steadied themselves with the help of my shoulders. Steve Harrington, my best friend since I could walk was smiling down at me. His lopsided smirk and dilated pupils told me he had decided to enjoy the contents of the large keg I had seen Tommy H carry in earlier on. Not to mention the strong smell of alcohol on his shirt and breathe. My nose crinkled at the scent of him, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Y/nnnnnnn" He slurred happily, stumbling a bit and once more steading himself on my shoulders. I rolled my eyes but couldn't fight the playful smirk that pulled at my lips.
"Yes Harrington?" I questioned slightly amused with his drunken appearance. He starred into my eyes and I quirked an eyebrow waiting for him to finish his sentence. He seemed to have forgotten what he was going to say, because he simply patted my shoulders and turned towards the table that had a few kids gathered around it playing beer pong. I could hear him mumble something about keeping his undefeated position with the game, but before he could walk any further I grabbed the back of his shirt collar and lightly pulled him back towards me.
"I think you've had enough drinks for tonight Steve, maybe it's time to go home?" I suggested to the boy but he only shook his head.
"Nope, party'ss j-just started." He replied, hiccuping between words. I took a hold of his hand
and he groaned at my persistence. Stumbling behind me as I dragged him to his car. Waving goodbye to my friends who stood around the bonfire in the yard. I wasn't exactly sure which one of my peers was hosting this party, but they must have had a pretty good reputation to have more than half of my grade attending said event. Steve drove me here, and the boy was quite obviously in no shape to get behind the wheel. So I decided I'd take him home in order to avoid the dipshit passing out in the front yard somewhere. The chatter of the crowd died down as we ventured closer to Steve's car, and I was slightly disappointed to leave the event and the rest of my friends so early. Though the hiccup from behind me reminded me that my nights adventure had really only just begun. Sober this boy was a handful, so you can imagine what he's like intoxicated. Finally reaching his car along the row of vehicles I sighed and lightly pushed Steve to get him to lean against it.
"Where are your keys?" I asked padding his shirt pocket and his jacket.
"Hmm, that is a realllyy good question beautiful." He responded padding the front and back pockets of his jeans. My stomach danced with butterflies at the nickname, but I knew he was just being flirty as always. The comment meant nothing, Steve only saw me as the girl he wore diapers and attended daycare with. At this I felt a slight pang in my heart, but I had pushed down any feelings I had for him a while ago. I could live with being the best friend next door.
"Got them!" The boy shouted happily and I rolled my eyes at his drunken enthusiasm. I guided him into the passengers seat and leaned over him to put on his seatbelt, ignoring his breathe that fanned against my neck. Making goosebumps ignite my warm skin. I could have sworn I felt his heart rate quicken, but it was likely my hopeless heart imagining things.
The ride to Steve's house was short, but that meant I had to get him to the front porch without alarming the other neighbors. His wrist watch read 1:00am and I internally prayed he would keep quiet in order to not alarm my parents in the house next door.
The journey to his front porch was clumsy and slow, but we made it in one piece. Steve blabbered incoherently about the party and how he would have been happy to stay longer. I quickly brought a finger to my lips and shushed him. And he giggled whilst mimicking my actions. I only ignored him and focused on opening his front door. Luckily his parents weren't home, so he could be as obnoxious as he wanted inside.
We both plopped down onto his bed and I yawned, exhausted from the journey here. I realized that there was no way I could get into my house without my parents waking up and noticing the time. But I recalled telling them I was spending the night at a friends house after the party. Technically that wasn't a lie, Harrington was my friend. My parents never asked which one, and they didn't have to know I was sleeping over a boys house. Besides we were far from doing anything they feared. "Can I stay here tonight?"
"Sure, but if you wanted to sleep with me so bad you could have just said so." I swatted his chest at the flirty reply, but Steve only laughed and raised his hands in surrender. Getting up from his bed, he pulled a spare shirt from his drawer and tossed it to me to sleep in. Before I could reach the bathroom he was already lazily undressing.
"Woah too much Harrington for my innocent eyes!" I yelped jokingly covering my eyes at the sight of the boy ridding himself of his jeans. I hurried into his bathroom to change.
"You look good in my shirt." He commented as I tip- toed out of his bathroom. I assumed he had passed out on his bed, but the now shirtless Harrington was running a hand through his hair and sitting at the edge of his bed. I ignored the compliment and decided to change the subject. "Still not asleep? I'm not babysitting you all night Harrington." He chuckled at my response, and I could tell he was slightly sobering up.
"So, could I grab a pillow for the couch or..." I tried to ask before he interrupted. "Are you serious y/n I'm not gonna bite you, get in the bed dumbass." He snarkily replied, getting under the covers and patting the area next to him.
"Dumbass? Yep you're definitely sobering up." I teased as I got under his warm comforter. He laughed once more and reached across his bedside table to turn off the light. Darkness took over the once illuminated room, the sudden quiet comforted me. With Steve things were never awkward, our friendship always seemed... Natural.
I yawned again and turned my back to Steve, who was laying on his back and supporting his messy head of hair with his arm. "You know, you're a real bitch to babysit Harrington." I mumbled, earning another laugh from him.
"Yeah but I'm totally worth the trouble y/l/n" Steve replied, turning towards me and lazily throwing an arm around my waist. I felt my heart race at the sudden contact and I could practically feel the smirk etching the boys features. "Make you nervous beautiful?" He questioned coyly, and the close proximity of his lips to my neck sent shivers down my spine.
"Not a chance dipshit." I retorted. And with a sudden surge of confidence, I turned over and pulled him closer by the neck and connected his lips to mine. There's that stupid smirk again. But this time I know it's there, because I'm kissing him. Oh shit I'm kissing Steve Harrington, what the fuck am I doing? At the thought I quickly pull my head back ignoring the emptiness I feel from the loss of contact.
"You know I was planning on making a move, but I guess you just did it for me." He whispered in the darkness. I could still make out his features...The sharp jawline, dark brown eyes, and those damn lips.
I smacked his chest and once more turned away. He pulled me in close and nuzzled his head into my neck.
"Someone had to do it, you've been leading me on since Freshman year asshat." I retorted sassily.
"Yeah, but I was totally worth the wait." He added.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Harrington."

A\N: So that was hella long but I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading, feel free to leave a comment, like, or request! Lots of love!


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