Chapter 1: Gambling

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{Midoryia's POV, 3 Years after the events of Book One. Midoryia is 21, Zikashi 19, Yiri 18, Kozo 20.}

I watch the roulette table spin around, the men around me of varying ages and backgrounds watch the ball with a crazed look in their eyes. I too stand hunched over, eyeing the ball with a smile on my face having bet all of my chips.

It rolls and rolls around as the tension grows, I stand there watching it as joy and pure fear builds up. The loud music accompanied by the cheers of people winning and the cries of the people losing fills the air and creates a strange disconnect from the world around me. 

The ball falls into 32 and I jump and cheer, the rest of the men eye me with anger as I gather up my pile of chips giddily. The intoxicating smell of smoke and alcohol drifts throughout the lavish casino on the edge of the city floods my senses as I look around for my next target. Perhaps the slot machines? Poker? 

"Hey kid," A large burly man approaches me as I gather my stuff proudly.

"Can I help you?" I ask him, smiling.

"You've been doing nothin' but winnin'" He comments, glaring at me. He's actually quite intimidating, "I think yous been cheating."

I sigh and shake my head, "No no no," I laugh, "I would never. Just luck of the game."

I turn to walk away but he grabs my shoulder and forces me to turn around. A few other men of similar stature come up beside him.

"Now now fellas, I haven't been cheating. In fact, I'll even teach you my secret if that's what it'll take." I talk to them as if they were small children and not towering above me, I sound crazed as I let out a laugh as I walk back to the roulette table and gesture for them to follow, "Look look now, watch. My hands won't leave my arms for one second I promise."

I point to the wheel, "Every dealer has a signature move... they throw the ball a similar way every time. This man for example..." I gesture for the brute to bend down and he does, and I whisper into his ear, "Whenever he throws the ball at 3 o'clock it always lands in 9 for example, because of the way he throws it and the speed he spins it. That's how I've been winning."

The man straightens up with a large smile on his face and begins to place bets excitedly. I wave them goodbye as I walkway with a smile on my face. None of that was true of course, that technique is absolute bullshit, but at least I didn't get robbed or something.

I bounce from slot machine to slot machine giddily as I keep winning. When I start to get bored I decide to play a game. Take a shot every time I win. I'm on the verge of blacking out a mere hour later after going back and forth between the machines and the bar over and over.

My secret? Well, of course, it's my quirk. Before I even start the slot machine I administer a small electric shock to the machine using One for All and channeling it through my finger that's hidden under the table to win. Some shocks have to be worse than others, but the thing is when you play a slot machine whether or not you win is decided the second you push the button or pull the lever. The spinning and noise are just to egg you on and create an experience.

The roulette table is very similar, I'd stick my hand under the table and pulse electricity through the wheel without anyone noticing, creating almost small invisible walls of electricity around the slots I didn't want the ball to fall in. This doesn't always work since the ball is made of ivory and not metal, but It definitely raises my chances a whole lot.

It doesn't make me invincible though, and that's where the fun comes in. It could work, or it couldn't. I could walk out of here rich or totally and absolutely broke. I just raise my chances, there's no guarantee.

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