Chapter 31: Questions

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{Deku's POV}

Ed goes to go pack, and Todoroki heads off with Tia towards the shelter. The rest of us wait inside the small kitchen, awkwardly pushed together not wanting to accidentally knock anything over.

"After we fly them out, what's the plan?" Bakugo asks we all look at each other with a look of worry, Yiri decides to take the bullet and start the conversation.

"Well uh... we can't do anything, actually.. or not much at least," He mumbles, Bakugo raises an eyebrow, waiting for a more in-depth explanation, obviously a little upset. "When we left The League part of the deal was that we can't go directly against them." 

"And none of you bothered mentioning this beforehand?" His voice gets loud and his face goes red, I take a shaky breath and speak up.

"It's a dangerous gamble. They have cameras and mics all over the city, talking now is even risky. I uh... can't do anything either. I guess, technically speaking, we all still belong to The League." I clear my throat, debating on whether or not I should actually come totally clean, "I am... still part of The League, actually. But It's complicated!" I quickly rush out the last part, expecting to get punched immediately. However, Bakugo only sighs and frowns, obviously struggling to keep his cool as he forces out his words.

"I understand Midoryia, I don't actually think you're a dangerous villain anymore. But maybe we can use that, alright? Just... keep it together," He's struggling to keep his voice level, "I'm really trying to not yell at you or something, but I trust you to not go batshit. If you do and betray us again? I'm killing you on sight."

"Agreed!" I exclaim immediately, relieved I'm not already getting beat up, "That sounds like a great idea."

"To be totally honest with you, Todoroki told me ages ago. But I never really took him seriously because I assumed you'd be smart enough to avoid that shit." My relief turns into shame and embarrassment, "Obviously I was wrong," He remarks, awkwardly adjusting the giant gauntlets on his wrists. I nod and I find I can't argue, though I'm still dying to know how the hell Todoroki found out.

"I get it," I cough, Yiri silently pulls out his phone and quickly types away.

"Hate to change the subject," he chirps out, obviously very happy to change the subject, "Last flight leaves in two days, but at an airport further up north. And on a side note, if we want to stay here for a longer period of time we'll need to update out Visas which I assume wouldn't be easy right about now."

"I dunno I don't have a visa. I've been doing pretty good so far." I shrug, forgetting that we're trying to be serious.

You are a disappointment...

I'm sorry! I'm a weapon of destruction, not a creature of empathy. Or... a creature of being-able-to-pick-up-context-clues.

Says the man who really wanted to keep Ed around, and was nearly crying the entire time you were doing your 'destruction' earlier today.

 I ignore this last statement and return my attention to the light glares I'm receiving. Bakugo pinches the bridge of his nose, his eyes are closed tight as he fights the urge to beat me up.

"Midoryia. You are making this very, very hard." He clears his throat, "I'm sure Todoroki and I can do something since I guess we are sort of on duty."

I nod in agreement when I suddenly get a chill down my spine, I look around to see if there was anything off but I don't see anything. I sidestep over to the small window, pull aside the red curtain and peek out, at first I don't see anything as I scan the streets until my eyes land on the dark figure across the street.

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