Chapter 8: Arriving

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{Yiri's POV. I missed my little blonde boy)

Kozo eventually put me down, he and Zikashi continue to argue and play fight while we wait for the cab. I laugh every time they fire a comeback at each other, keeping my distance so I don't get caught in the crossfire of their punches or kicks.

I play with my hair as I watch them, pulling strands out of their swept-back gelled position and effectively making myself more of a mess than I already am in my white shirt and jeans.

Zikashi wears a black tank top, green jean jacket, and blue skinny jeans. Her brown and purple hair is tied back into a messy bun and her golden eyes shine in the light. 

Kozo's gray hair is soft and poofy, almost like a fog in of itself. He's gotten a haircut recently, now it's a fade cut on either side, a little wave of hair crests above his forehead. He wears a muscle shirt, shorts, and sandals. Zikashi is probably put together better than all of us, but she's always been more fashion savvy.

The cab pulls up and helps us load our suitcases, he's an older man who looks worried to have us in his vehicle. I can't blame him, Zikashi and Kozo have yet to stop arguing about anything and everything. Zikashi takes the front so I have to sit in the back with Kozo. This wouldn't be a huge problem if Kozo had sat next to the window instead of the middle, right next to me, just to argue with Zikashi better and annoy me.

I frown but stay silent as I get elbowed consistently by him enthusiastically refuting Zikashi. I try and stifle my laughter so I don't get brought into it. The cab driver seems to be growing more and more worried.

I can not explain how difficult was to herd Zikashi and Kozo through TSA. 

I managed to separate them and scold them into silence, afraid to make a scene in front of security, but they continued to poke jabs at each other or just blatantly not follow basic directions, and I know they're doing it to drive me crazy. 

"Sooo Zashi!!" Kozo asks her loudly over my head as we stand in line for TSA, putting his hands behind his head, smiling widely, "What do you think TSA stands for?"

"Why, I don't know Kozo?" She asks, smiling mischievously. "Perhaps... Totally Stupid Asshole?"

"No no no, of course, it's Teaching Squirrels Aerodynamics. Since it's an airport, obviously."

"Ooh, I see. That makes more sense. Totally Splendid Aim there Kozo. Truly brilliant." She puts on a comical voice, one that could belong to Sherlock.

"What about you, Yiri?" Kozo asks me, "What does it mean to you?" I sigh and think about it for a few seconds, they stare at me expectedly as we move just a few steps up in line.

"Um... Training Spontaneous... Albatross...?" I say, not confident in my answer.

"Ohohoho!" Zikashi says, again using the stupid voice, "Good one Yiri!" She hugs me from behind, "You're getting the hang of it!"

I roll my eyes, "You two are going to drive me crazy... how long is the flight again?"

"14 hours." 

"Oh no...."

{Midoryia's POV}

It's dark when I decide to leave my hiding spot. I crack open the door to the deck and peek outside, listening for footsteps. It's very dark out, the only light was from small lamps attached to the side of the boat to illuminate the pathways. I can hear the soft waves lap against the side of the boat, in the distance I can see the lights of the city. I overheard a conversation earlier about us being a mere three hours away from the port, so I can only assume that the city is my goal.

We'll wait another hour. Hide in a lifeboat, now. You won't be able to move around even two hours before we dock. 

I nod and slowly creep out of the room, softly closing the door behind me and head quickly to the right, towards the boats attached to the side of the small cargo ship. I hear footsteps and a ray of light, assumingly from a flashlight, coming from around the corner.


I look around frantically for some sort of escape, but theres nothing. 


I groan and quickly leap over the railing of the ship and hold on to the gap between the railing and the deck and hold on as tight as I can.

The footsteps turn the corner and walk towards me. I can see the blank outline of a man walk by, I hold my breath as he passes by me. Thank god he didn't notice me. I wait a second before climbing back up to the deck and quickly run over to the lifeboats and lift the cover of the lifeboat and slide in.

I sigh and try and calm myself down, my messy, greasy hair sticks to my face and it makes me irritated. I keep trying to pull it out of my face but I just can't keep it out of the way. 

I look around and find a strand of string laying on the bottom of the boat. It takes me a few seconds, but eventually, I managed to tie my hair back.

We sit and wait for an hour, I stick my head out and see the city to be even closer, and the sun starts to peek out from the horizon, allowing me to see the city a little easier. I don't know which city specifically this boat is going too, I heard a lot of names that I wasn't sure were towns or people. I see a lot of green on the shoreline, and desert in the distance.

The buildings look a lot different from what I'm used too, but I guess that makes sense. I'd say we're still about 8 miles out.

When should we go?

I don't know... One for All is all good, right?

I activate One for All to check, and sure enough, it feels to be at full power.

Yep. But I'm so weak right now. I couldn't even hold on to the side of the ship for very long.

We'll wait till we're closer in that case.

I nestle down, but adrenaline is starting to take over and I'm restless.

Somehow I manage to wait for another hour, but I feel so horribly restless it felt like twenty years.

I look out and see the shore much more clearly, I see big green hills and fancy houses in the distance, I see a lot of people on the beach for morning walks so I don't know how I'm just going to... arise from the depths all casually.

I hear chatter from the ship very nearby. I decide that the second no ones looking I'm going to dive overboard and swim to shore as best as I can. 

Anxiety sets in.

What're we going to do when we get there? I don't have any money, I don't have an ID, I don't have a n y t h i n g.

I don't have anyone.

I'm all alone here in a totally new country.

I know English of course, being in The League prompted me to learn English to better deal with international problems, that's the only thing that gives me solace.

"Hey," I hear a man say above me, "It looks like the wind took of a little of the tarp there."

"What do you mean?" Another masucline voice says.

"The lifeboat."

I tense up and hold my breath. 

"I'll go get an extra nail and fix it."

"Sounds good."

I hear footsteps head off and I know I have to go immediately. I quickly rip off the rest of the tarp and fling myself off into the water, getting as big a breath as I could before hitting the water.

Woah! Okay damn, I wasn't ready for that.

Shut up we gotta go.

You made a lot of noise, they'll be looking overboard, don't surface yet. Just go. 

I listen and activate One for All and swim as hard as I can away from the boat towards the shore.

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