Chapter 9: Arrived.

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{Yiri's POV}

The flight consisted of Zikashi and Kozo constantly swatting or insulting each other. Eventually, I forced Kozo to let me sit in between them in an effort to separate them, but alas it didn't help. Now I was stuck as they hit each other over my head or reached across me. 

A couple of times a flight attendant would ask us to stop due to complaints. 

Fortunately, though, the seats were spacious and wide, there was a small tv built into the back of the seat in front of us which helped pass the time.

"Hey, Zashi?" I leaned over to her mid-flight when her and Kozo's bickering reached an intermission.

"What's up?"

"How'd we pay for this?"

"Izuku's gambling winnings." She yawned, "I figured he owes us anyway. I found quite a few bundles of cash hidden around his apartment. On top of what was in his messenger bag, we should be just fine. I got a money order for American dollars too."

"Wow I didn't realize he had that much," I try and total how much that would cost in my head, I don't know the exact amount, but it isn't cheap. 

"'Course he does. He gambles all the time," She leans a little closer and lowers her voice, "He almost never loses. Y'know with all of the cheating."

I nod and nestle back into my seat. 

Midoryia was a man that I looked up to and adored. Especially when we were all villains. He was this pillar in society that amazed me. I remember being suspicious of him when we first met, but once he demonstrated his abilities I was eager to learn more.

Nowadays I still look up to him, but it's different. Obviously, he's changed a lot, that goes without saying. He's living in a gross apartment, obviously mentally unwell, borderline alcoholic and horrible gambling addiction. 

But really, the only difference between him now and then is the suit. Villain Izuku was living in a gross base, obviously mentally unwell, borderline alcoholic, and an adrenaline junkie. 

I so badly want to see Izuku back on his feet. Back in action. Hell, as horrible as it may sound I'd be ecstatic (and terrified) if he decided to be a villain again. It hurts to see a man that I looked up to be reduced to nothing more than a paranoid hermit. 

We're all indebted to Izuku whether we remember it or not, and as much as he gets on our nerves he'll always be our leader. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure it didn't all go to waste.

{Midoryia's POV}

I emerge from the sea like some sort of Godzilla on a sandy beach. I collapse in the sand and I can feel it immediately stick to me. I'm soaking wet, cold, exhausted, broke, starving, and in a country, I've never been to before.

Hell yeah.

My muscles ache and my blood seems to boil. My skin burns from the salt, the couple of scratches I sustained from the ship seemed to scream. My lungs pull in as much air as possible and I can feel myself getting light headed from hyperventilating.

It takes all my energy to lift my head and see that the beach borders a nice grassy meadow where adults and dogs alike rejoice in the sun. I assume this is some sort of dog park, but I can't be too sure.  It sure is fancy for a dog park.

I lie there for a little, letting myself dry in the hot sun.

 I see myself getting a few weird looks from passersby, looks that say "Why the hell is this homeless man swimming at the dog park...?"

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