Chapter 36: Back Home

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{Midoryia's POV}

Dabi and Shigaraki lead us through the airport silently, Todoroki and I stayed close to each other and kept aware of our surroundings, afraid there may have been an ambush planned. Fortunately, there wasn't, and eventually, we were lead outside through a door labeled 'Authorized Personnel Only' and exited out onto the runway.

A small passenger plane waited for us with roll away stairs pushed up to the side. The crew loads the plane and scrambles about, at a closer glance I recognize most of them as smaller thugs working under The League.

"You'll have the plane to yourself, for the most part, we have a few members you may not have met on board just to make sure everything goes smoothly," Shigaraki explains, his voice had a ring of mockery to it, but I couldn't tell what he was trying to mock exactly. Dabi spun around to look at us, his arms up and behind his head.

"You two are damn lucky we actually want you going back, or else we'd crash the plane in the ocean." He smirks. This annoys me a little.

"You're too kind Dabi," I retort, "I was almost afraid you guys had gotten attached to us,"

"I'm attached to you in the way a kid is attached to the ant he's trying to burn under a magnifying glass." He snaps back.

"You have the same name as an elf I wouldn't think so high and mighty of yourself, Dabi. If Shigaraki gives you a sock, are you free?" Todoroki stifles a laugh to my right, Dabi just glares at me, Deku laughs. He silently taunts me to push further.

"Better watch yourself Green," he warns.

"I've always wondered, where'd you get the name? Is it short for something? Maybe...Dabbingson, Dabington, Derrick?" Instead of another warning, he lunges at me, his fist is pulled back and ready to strike when Shigaraki yells.

"Both of you!" He shouts, "Don't lay a finger on each other, I'm starting to like the idea of sending the plane into the Pacific." 

Dabi reluctantly backs off and Todoroki swats the back of my head, but I hear him chuckle a little.

"God you two are just perfect for each other, a couple of annoying little brats who don't know when to keep their mouth shut, parading around together."

"To be fair, Todoroki hasn't really talked. I'll take all the credit for that one," I respond, but Dabi just grumbles in response as he walks over to one of the workers.

"Well, that'll be goodbye for a while Izuku," Shigaraki smiles, "I hope to see you back soon,"

My anger gets the best of me as I respond "Considering you've broken our agreement, I wouldn't look forward to it."

"What do you mean?" He asks mockingly, "I didn't realize blowing up cars in a city we practically own was against the agreement," I subconsciously dig my foot into the ground, trying to hold myself back from punching the guy, "Oh none of that Midoryia, the plane will leave soon. Just get on board."

Todoroki tugs on my sleeve as he walks towards the stairs, not looking at Shigaraki at all. We climb the stairs and sit in a row with an emergency exit. It's an uncomfortable fit and it doesn't help that a League member sits in the row right behind us, in front of us, and across the aisle.

The plane takes off unceremoniously. It scares me to think who the pilot could be, did they kidnap an actual pilot? Give a quick briefing to a random member? I don't want to ask. I called Ed earlier that morning to tell him I was on my way, which keeps me optimistic.

Other than the constant fear of nose-diving into the ocean, or being shot at in such close quarters, the long long flight was mostly uneventful. Todoroki and I took turns sleeping to pass the time, always making sure one was awake just in case we saw something suspicious.

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