Chapter 3: Deal

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[Midoryia's POV]

I stare at myself in the mirror, hunched over the counter, at my sunken tired eyes, dark circles rest under my eyes, scars everywhere. I look absolutely dreadful. My previously poofy green hair is weighted and dull, I've tried to keep up with going to the gym but once I became enveloped in my own fantasy world I just stopped. So I've lost a lot of weight and muscle, actually now that I think about it, I look more like All Might in small form.

Of course not that skeletal, but I do look pitiful. 

I change from my gross stained white t-shirt to a black hoodie, I put on my black glasses and check to see if it hides my tired eyes, but it doesn't really. I plan on leaving at dusk. I put a small pocketknife in the pocket of the hoodie and lounge around watching tv and daydreaming waiting to leave.

I peek out of my apartment at the horizon, barely visible through the cracks of the huge towering buildings surrounding the complex. It's turning an orange hue so I pet Dao goodbye and step out onto the balcony. My neighbor Rose stands outside leaning against the railing, smoking as usual. 

I hardly ever see her not smoking. She turns to me and gives me a small smile.

"Hey boy," She greets.

"Heya Rose." I smile and start to head for the stairs.

"Going gambling again?" She sounds a little irritated.

"Not tonight."

"Stop worrying your friends like that," She says sternly, a spike of anger shoots through my chest but dissipates just as fast.

"I'll try Rose. Have a nice night." I practically jump down the stairs and make a left after I leave the parking lot to head to The League's base. It hasn't really changed throughout the years, there's no reason too. It's been pretty boring in terms of crime since I left.

I live maybe a 45-minute walk away from The League, which is convenient but also a bit unnerving. They could show up at any minute.

The entire walk there I pay the utmost attention to my surroundings, any noise makes my paranoia spike as I check behind me and everywhere I could possibly see, scared someone might jump me or follow me.

I finally arrive and knock on the door of the deserted apartment complex's backdoor. It's opened, and I walk in.

"Heya guys," I greet Shigaraki whose sitting at the bar, and Toga who instantly wraps me in a constricting hug. Dabi sits on the couch looking as indifferent as ever.

"Hey brat," Dabi greets.

"Izu!!" Toga cheers. Shigaraki just glares, which is as good of a greeting that I'm gonna get.

"What's up?" I ask, sitting a couple of stools away from Shigaraki, facing everyone.

"We need you to do something for us," Shigaraki explains, "There's a man we need information on. Here, take this," He gives me a handwritten list of what they need, and what they already know, including a picture of the man taped to the paper.

He looks friendly enough, average salaryman attire, short brown hair and brown eyes, thin. Doesn't look like a threat really.

"May I ask what the motive is?" 

"He's the brother of a Yakuza member who owes us."

"So you're gonna kill him?"

"Maybe." There's a smile on his face, I only shrug and fold the paper and stick it in my pocket. Not my brother, not my problem.

"Cool. I'll see what I can do."

"Aww c'mon Izu!" Toga teases, "Where's the excitement? Wheres the little smile? You're so boring now!"

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