Chapter 11: A Talk about Your Quirk

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{Midoryia's POV}

I sit at an old wooden table inside the quaint house, scarfing down a bowl of pinto beans as fast as I possibly could, they don't even taste that good, theres no seasoning at all and they aren't even cooked all the way. But at this moment they taste like something a five star restaurant could have made.

Ed sits across the table from me, refilling my bowl the second it comes close to being empty. He watches me eat with an uncomfortable look on his face. 

"Wah you wanmph fome?" I ask him, not even taking a pause in my consumption.

"Y'know what, I'll pass." He forces a smile on his face. I shrug and continue shoveling the beans into my mouth.

Real charming.

You act like we haven't been starving.

I have a good feeling about this kid.

What do you mean?

Deku stubbornly refuses to explain himself, but I also don't really care enough to press further. I allow myself a quick break to look around at my surroundings. It's a small kitchen, just big enough for a fridge, stove, small counter space, and the rickety round fold-out table we sit at. The walls are painted a light pink, covered in pictures and drawings, obviously from children. Three doors connect to a small hallway a few feet away. 

Hey, wait a second... I don't have my glasses on how can I see?

I'm working overtime to try and correct your eyesight. I can't do it for much longer so take it in now. Your glasses got washed away.

 I return to my meal to find it all gone. I look to Edward expectedly but he just shakes his head.

"It's all gone."

"Oh." I'm a little surprised, I didn't realize I ate that much. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it."


"Umm... so did you actually steal from that guy?" Edward bows his head in shame. "Woah, really?" He raises an eyebrow.

"You aren't upset with me?"

"Nah not really," I think about it for a moment, "I mean, your a nice kid. A little naive I guess."

"Hey! I'm not naive!" He says defensively.

"Oh really? Alright then," I lean back in my chair, balancing on the back legs, I lean my head back and let my arms fall to my sides. "If you're so smart then why is some homeless guy, obviously not from here, with some sort of deadly power, doing at your table? Especially when you only know his name."

"Well..." He thinks about it, "Cause you helped me out."

"Kid, that's probably the worst logic I've ever heard." I laugh, "Aannnyywayyy. I helped you out, do me a favor, okay?" I sit upright and fold my arms on the table. 

"Uh... sure..."

"I'm not from here. I don't exactly know how things work. Quirk laws, what'd we got?"

"Okkaaayyy...." He says slowly, he seems suspicious of me all of a sudden. "Umm... well from what I know... you can use your quirk whenever you want in public, so long as it's not dangerous or destructive. Those kinds of quirks require you to get registration and take a few tests to make sure you can handle having those quirks, physically and mentally. To make sure you aren't a threat to people."

"Huh... so to openly use my quirk I'd probably need registration which I simply can't get now... how about self-defense?"

"Well of course. I've never seen anyone get in trouble if someone was in clear danger."

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