Chapter 39: Last Goodbye

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{Midoryia's POV}

"How long does it take to kick in?" Ed asks us in between gulps of water. 

"At least an hour I think," All Might says unsure of himself, "Maybe two. Let's hope the suppressor passed down," He says, an evident look of worry crosses his face. 

"I'm sure it'll be okay, don't worry Ed. It'll take a while for you to get a hang on it either way," I turn to All Might "We won't be able to stay long enough to properly train him, unfortunately," I feel sad that we can't stay, I want so badly to help him grow. But we have a mission to deal with first.

"No worries Midoryia," Aizawa tells me, "I trained you when you had no idea what you were doing, and now that Ed's fingers hopefully won't blow off and i've done it before, I can train him no problem."

I smile, relieved and happy that Aizawa would be the one in charge.

"Thanks, Aizawa, I really appreciate it," I turn back to Ed, "You might be here longer than expected, even if we do win it'll be a mess there for a long time. And if I lose, you might never want to go back. So you'll have plenty time for training. Listen to Aizawa no matter what, and be honest. You'll do great."

Suddenly I feel very emotional, I don't want to go. I want to train Ed myself, but I can't. 

Well, better live then. If you live, then you can come back.

I guess that's true, but the chances are slim.

C'mon Izuku, we're nothing if not lucky.... somtimes.

I guess he's kind of right. But I don't want to rely on that slim hope and then get let down.

"Now, back to business," I clear my throat, "Todoroki and I need to find the organization that kidnapped you Ed, do you remember anything that might help us?"

"Well we actually have the two who were in the car in custody," Aizawa says instead, "I normally wouldn't do this, but considering the circumstances I'll give you a pass. I'll let you go visit them and interrogate."

"Thank you so much Aizawa!" Todoroki cheers, I'm a little surprised at his enthusiasm but I guess it is super convienent.

"I'll need to get things sorted out, so you'll probably go in tomorrow evening. The days still young, Midoryia and Todoroki if I were you i'd go check in on everyone. I'm sure they're dying to see you,"

I forgot about everyone else to be honest. I haven't really spoken to them after graduation except when Uraraka stopped by to give me Dao. Strange I don't think I remember Dao being at home, I wonder if she was hiding somewhere?

"That sounds like a nice idea, unfortuntately we'll probably need to keep everything secret. But it'd be great to see everyone, don't you think Izuku?" Todoroki asks, it snaps me out of my stupor and I nod,"Great, I'll text them and see when theyre available." He pulls out his phone and starts to text some people. 

We sit and chat a while as Todoroki reaches out to people and works to put together a meeting, or a dinner. 

"So theoretically," Ed asks, examining his hand, "How would I activate it?"

"Uhh... well for me it's kind of like just flexing a muscle, or moving an arm," I try to explain, a moment later lassos of green lightning lashes forward from his fingers, knocking down every painting and knicknack in the room, everyone hops up and gets out of the way in a panic. Ed lets out a yelp of surprise just before Aizawa cancels his quirk.

A moment of silence.

"Yay your arm didn't explode!" I cheer, Ed starts to laugh, the rest of the room joins in relieved joy. He runs over and wraps me in a hug, laughing inbetween tears. In the back of my head I can even hear Deku sigh out of relief.

No one cares that the room is a mess we're all just super relieved we won't have to bring Ed back with no arm to Tia.

"Lets go outside and practice a little," I say, already half way out the door. The gang follows closely behind, Todoroki, Ed, and All Might follow behind excitedly like children as we naviagate the building.

Even though Aizawa didn't follow behind us, he was naturally already down there somehow waiting for us.

We spend some time watching Ed try to figure out how to work the quirk, while making sure Aizawa was nearby incase of an emergency.

All Might and I try and shout advice at him as he flings himself in every which direction trying to get his footing. It's hard to teach, it's one of those things  where you have to find what works for you.

"You need to try and focus the energy everywhere to begin with, distribute it evenly so you're not overpowering yourself," I tell him, the energy switches from his left arm, to the right, it switches from leg to leg and limb to limb before it spreads evenly amoung the limbs.

"Like... like that?" He asks, he sounds tired and like he's struggling, I nod in approval.

"Yeah! You've got it!" My voice cracks, I nearly start to cry out of joy, he laughs and loses concentration, all of the energy quickly falls down to his legs as he jumps from joy. Consequently the ground dents below him in a huge cloud of dust.

It also launches him into the air.

I don't want to be rude, but he doesn't have any form.

He flips and twists in the air and he yells. I immediately launch myself forward to try and  catch him, but in midair he straightens himself out and prepares himself to land.

In a flash he collides with the ground and slides down the courtyard until his back is pressed against he far fence.

The dust clears and we see he's still standing. Even better, he's intact. He wobbles a little on his feet, and despite the distance I can clearly see him give us a thumbs up.

I very enthusiastically return the gesture, I cheer. I'm overtaken with emotion once again as I see Ed smile. He runs back as fast as he can and collides with me, and it takes all of my strength to not topple over. 

"Hey little hero, be careful," I chuckle as I pat his back, I look at Aizawa who smiles bleakly, seeming to be lost in thought, All Might is beaming with joy. Ed freezes as he stops to think about being called a hero.

"Huh.. I guess I really am on the road to being a hero right?"

I laugh and nod. I make eye contact with Todoroki who smiles, but he has a look in his eye that tells me we need to start rapping this all up.

"Okay kid," I say, "We've got things to do but uh... the next time I see you," I say that knowing there is absolutely no promise, "You better be able to land correctly."

And with that, we had no choice but to leave Ed with Aizawa and head out. Head out to something that could possibly kill us, or change Todorokis perspective of me. I'm terrified, but somewhere in the back of my head I just hear Deku.

Alright buddy, lets get to wrapping up this story.

A/N Sorry about the wait there fellas. I don't have an excuse, but im sorry. I've been going through the comments I missed and I can only say thank you, you're all so sweet. It'd mean a lot to me if you guys recommended the story to people who you think would also enjoy it, since we're gonna start getting towards the end. Love you all dearly and have a wonderful day.

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