Chapter 10: Alleyway

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{Midoryia's POV}

I sleep on and off throughout the day. Every little noise makes me jump and check my surroundings. I'm not sure what the quirk laws are so I'm really worried about getting into a fight, I don't know what warrants quirk use. I especially don't want to get into trouble with the law here.

Deku has since calmed down and back to normal for the most part. I thought about what he had said. I'm convinced I'm just in shock and tired, because I do care about everyone back home, but I'm not really in a situation to be freaking out about it. I know Zikashi is going to be coming after me, Todoroki too. Bakugo might even tag along which is a scary thought. 

I'm sure registered heroes in Japan are separate from registered heroes in America, but from what I heard there is a connection. Occasionally American heroes go to Japan to help out or vise versa, so I'm sure it'd be fairly easy for Shoto or Kacchan to get over here to find me.

Thats sort of a nice thought, but it's scary too. I can't handle it if I caused them so much trouble again or got them hurt. I guess I already have but whatever.

I hear footsteps and I freeze. It's from someone running down the alley, I can hear them panting as they run and I slowly push myself back in between the disgusting dumpsters as far as I can. 

My heart starts to pound as I start thinking about having to fight someone. Fear rockets through my body.

Confusion replaces the fear when a boy runs past me, running as fast as he could.  I almost stand up to see what's going on when I hear yelling from an adult.

"Get back here you little shit!" A burly voice screams. I hear something hit the ground to my left, I assume the boy fell. A large man passes by me, thank god he doesn't see me. He's very large, but it's all composed of muscle, he's got black balding hair and frankly reminds me of the guards from Aladdin. 

"I didn't do it I swear!" I hear the boy beg, he sounds young and his voice shakes with fear and exhaustion.

What're you gonna do?

Deku asks me in a low voice. I can tell he's trying to guilt-trip me a little. He's just leaning back watching me, glaring at me. I sigh and emerge from my hiding spot, I step on a can which crinkles under my foot, causing the man to turn around to look at me.

"Hey bud," I say calmly to the man. Not suuuppper excited about this interaction. His face is beet red with anger. "Maybe we can figure this out?" 

"Who the hell are you?" He yells at me. 

Just your friendly neighborhood spiderman.

I think, almost amused with myself.

"Doesn't matter. I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Leave the boy alone." I tilt my head and look at the boy. He's frail, lanky with messy black hair. He's wearing shorts and an oversized white t-shirt. His copper color skin is littered with small scratches, some fresh some old. If I were to guess I'd say he's just a teenager. 

His purple eyes shine with fear and I feel a little empathetic.

"This brat stole from me! I'm sure as hell not gonna let you stop me from punishing this little sewer rat!"

I sigh and shift my weight to one leg and cross my arms.

"Unfortunately I can't let you beat up some kid either."

"Oh really?" He laughs, "Who are you to stop me?"

I lean back and stretch, "Weelll, I did go to the best hero school in Japan for quite some time. I'm sure you've heard of All Might, right? He lived in America for a while."

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