Chapter 14: Crimson

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{Midoryia's POV}

I wrap up the story with Yiri coming to get me, but I made sure to leave out the story of the man who made me come here in the first place showing up again outside Ed's house.

I don't know what it is about him, but even thinking about him makes me feel sick. Even a few hours later I still feel damn near petrifying fear thinking about him. The things he said still echo in my mind in that gross crackly voice of his.

{Edward's POV}

I sit between Izuku and Yiri and listen to him tell the story of him on the boat, washing up on shore, and eventually meeting me. It's a really cool story, if not a little scary. I keep a close eye on his two friends who sit across from us. I think they said the girl's name was Zikashi, and the guy was Kozo. 

I've never heard names like that before, and it took me a couple of tries to pronounce 'Zikashi' correctly. But then again I have to be reminded that they actually came from Japan. I take a moment to reflect on where I am and what I'm doing and find myself feeling nervous.

Izuku is a retired villain, I'm not sure if the others are too, but when Kozo punched Izuku it was so quick I didn't even see him move, my eyes flit over to the wall that was left with a large crack. That's not something that happens after just one fight, that's years upon years of fighting.

Yiri seems really nice though, so I don't understand how he could be friends with Kozo. Or really, even Izuku. Izu is also really nice but you can tell in the way he speaks that he's not used to being like that. And his quirk is so powerful, he could take out a whole city.

Suddenly I remember something Tia once told me after I came home from school after being bullied for my quirk or lack thereof.

"One day you'll meet someone," She had said, I remember her face being chock-full of pity, "And they'll lead you on the path to being a hero."

"Aaanyyway..." Izuku's says, suddenly I'm brought back to reality, "I'll take Edward home tomorrow, and we'll figure out what to do then."

"No..." I whisper I'm getting real tired of having to remind him that I won't leave, "I need you to show me how to be a hero..." He and I turn to each other and make eye contact.

His expression catches me off guard. I expected him to be angry, but his expression is soft. There's recognition, but not of me. It feels like he's looking at someone totally different who happens to be sitting right where I am. His eyes shine with sadness and some bit of hope at the same time. The others fall silent and watch us, Yiri even scoots away a little.

"Why do you want to be a hero, Ed?" His voice is airy and light, he's not just interrogating me, he wants the honest, truthful, answer. For whatever reason, I'm filled with emotions and nearly driven to tears. He says it as if there was a possibility and not just a hypothetical.

"I want people to feel safe around me... I want people to look at me and know there's nothing to worry about. I just... don't want anyone to ever feel afraid. If I can help it." 

He stares at me for a few moments, his eyes glaze over for a while and I see tears well up in his eyes a little.

"Midoryia," Yiri whispers, gently getting off the bed and putting his hand on Izuku's shoulder. Izuku immediately breaks out of the trance and gives me a small smile.

"I'll see what I can do..." He says it in such a way where it seems like a promise. I don't know what he could possibly do, but I won't bring it up now. Izuku winces and holds his hand to his temple. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, but he just put up his hand.

"I'm fine."

{Midoryia's POV}

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