Chapter 4: Coming Clean

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[Midoryia's POV}

Hey dumbass wake up

Shut up...

Remember we gotta go talk to All Might

I gotta talk to All Might, you stay out of this.

Hey, it's my quirk too-

Is it though?

I dunno, same body.

I roll out of bed and let myself hit the floor without trying to stick out my arms or anything.

The hell are you doing?


I stumble drowsily into the kitchen, Dao chattering and meowing at my heels, I get a scoop of cat food from the dirty bag in the corner of the kitchen and dump it in the bowl next to the fridge. As she eats I open up my bare fridge. 

We don't have food.


I sigh and decide to just get dressed and text All Might to let him know I was going to stop by. It's only 8 am, so I have some time to just hang out.

Y'know, if we do find a person to pass this quirk too, are we going to tell them about me?

I dunno. Maybe. No sense in being dishonest.

I wonder if I'm considered apart of One for All at this point. Y'know how people add onto the quirk and then it gets passed on? 

That's... a good point. I wouldn't want to pass you down to anyone. 


It's a valid thing. We can't have them going insane then everything repeats. I know how to deal and work with you, but someone else might not.


He sounds a little irritated but I don't really care. I leave my apartment around 11, hoping to meet All Might for lunch at a little diner across town. I could take a taxi but I enjoy the walk. I wear a graphic shirt of some band I don't even listen to and jeans. I hate walking around in the day, I always feel as though people are staring at my scars on my face barely covered by my rectangular black glasses, or the long stripe lighter than the rest of my skin that dips into my arm from Shigaraki.   

I know people stare, I know they walk an arc around me, I'm sure some recognize me from the news. Every time I go out I feel uncomfortable. I know people don't feel safe around me whether or not they know who I am.

People can lie and pretend they don't notice but I always catch the split-second pause they take before they ask me what kind of coffee I want, or the look in their eyes as they talk to me in a happy voice.

I try to think that they don't mean anything by it, humans are naturally wary of things that look dangerous, and I don't exactly look like a rabbit.

My thin frame, sunken tired eyes with the scar running down it like a stereotypical villain, the scar on my jaw, the obvious one on my arm, my no longer soft and poofy hair, I look like I just broke out of prison.

I finally reach the restaurant to see All Might standing outside, he smiles at me and we give each other a small hug and walk inside. We grab a booth, order, and engage in small idle chatter. Chatter echoes throughout the building as we sit in the warmly lit room in the old booths. 

"I'm happy to see you, my boy," The skeletal man smiles widely at me and I feel a little sad, but I'm not sure why.

"I'm glad we're doing this. I'm sorry we haven't spoken much recently,"

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