Chapter 34: Terms and Conditions

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{Izuku's POV}

Lose all contact... 


I heard it. Izuku I don't know what to do.

I do...

What do you mean-

Deku do me a quick favor alright? I need you to come through just a little, alright?

Uhh okay what're you-

"Hey Tenko," I see his eyes flare when I use his real name, his hand tightens on my neck and I have to be aware of this dangerous situation as I continue to speak, I too decide to move my right arm and place it on the side of his neck as well, activating One for All and letting the little sparks string out and act as a warning.

"I think you understand how that may violate our little agreement, right? I'll gladly kill that organization if that's one of the terms," Maybe 'gladly' was a poor choice of words, but I continue. Shigaraki's face is priceless, I wish I could've taken a picture "So what do we do about the violation, huh?"

"Let's look at this from my perspective Midoryia, if you give that kid your quirk and then also become responsible for training him he'll get too strong, and we don't have what we need to make him join us as we did you, and God knows he's too righteous to join willingly or come to an agreement like us. However we need you to have passed on the quirk in case you... go missing,  so this power isn't completely gone."

"What's stopping him from getting training from anyone else?" I decide to ignore the threat of my disappearance since I was fairly confident I could hold my own.

"Nothing. But we also can't have you too conspiring together. So how about this... it'll be a lot of fun hear me out," He smiles crookedly, "The moment you take care of the organization, and deal with the kid, you'll have one chance to take down The League, okay?"

"What do you mean...?" I'm starting to get scared when I feel Deku purposely step in and "block" that emotion. 

"Stadiums are pretty empty as of right now, do all of that and you can fight any few members of The League we choose. Finally, if you last... well a little birdie told me All for One is doing much better these days and I'm sure he'd love to hear from his stolen protege. IF you win we'll have no choice but to back down and maybe even disband, but if you lose, consider yourself our property forever."

"Izuku that's ridiculous! You can't," Todoroki angrily yells. As much as I want to turn towards the noise I keep my attention focused on Shigaraki. I hear Yiri or Zikashi moving around but I can't tell. I can see Kozo far to the left glaring down Shigaraki, his gray hair messily strewn around as I see him taking deep breaths, preparing to use his quirk if necessary.

I like that... that sounds fun...

What do we do If we lose? Do you think we can beat All for One?

I think both outcomes seem fun. 

What do you mean? Being owned forever? 

I mean...

Jesus Christ. Deku, if you do this I need to have your word you won't take over again completely.

I'll only do it when we have to kill so you don't have to do it. Once it's over you can have it back.

So it's a deal?


"So, what'll it be Deku?" I shudder a little as he uses the name, but try and keep my cool.

Redemption {Book Two}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora