Chapter 28: Rent

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{Deku's Pov}

We take the stairs out of the building since the elevators don't work and Shigaraki warned me about ditching Salem again so I very well couldn't just take the roof. She still hasn't talked to me and walks significantly faster to try and keep distance between us.

"Hey uh, shouldn't we talk about this before we get there?" I look over the railing of the stairs to see her a couple of flights down in the tight square spiral.  She looks up and sighs, and gestures for me to come.

I trot down the short distance stairs mostly as an excuse to move since my new Villain outfit was ridiculously comfortable and sturdy. I hold my mask in my hands since I found it a little difficult to look at people without smacking them with the beak, victim number one being Dabi, two being Shigaraki, and three being the door frame I was trying to get through.

When I reach her she sighs and we spend a minute just awkwardly standing there, unsure of what to do.

"Those contacts look weird on you," She says before curtly turning around and heading back down the stairs.

"Jesus..." I mumble and follow, I had ordered a pair of contacts to hide my eyes, unfortunately, there weren't any normal contacts on hand. Toga found some colored ones in a desk a worker must have had for fun. Fortunately or unfortunately, however you choose to look at it, they were a very bright purple.

We reach the reception, all of the windows were painted black. I grab Salem's shoulder before she can step out the door, she turns around aggravated.

"Okay, we need to talk."

"What about, we know what we have to do."

"We can't be arguing the whole time, I think it'd be a good idea if we both walk in, I deal with the front desk, we'll call all of the heroes in the building to the first floor, and you run to grab whatever information we need. Your quirk will be good for clearing a room if any other people reside." She thinks about it and angrily agrees with me. 

"That's a good idea, but don't boss me around too much alright?" She puts on her leather masquerade style mask and pushes through the door. I sigh out of relief and put on my own bird mask before following.

{Zikashi's POV}

After we heard the blast we immediately tried to figure out where it came from, we ran towards the hotel and when we arrived we saw Bakugo in his hero uniform approaching from the other side of the street.

"Hey!" I shout, waving at him. We meet in front of the building and he quickly jumps into an explanation of what he learned while he was out.

"All of the agencies in the area, and almost all of them across the country, are all complying with The League. Only a few citizens bothered to talk to me, almost everyone, police, heroes and citizens included, are way too afraid to talk to me."

"You heard that explosion, right?"

"Of course I did, it's probably related," he answers gruffly, "One of the agencies were being defiant apparently, there's no way it isn't related, I'm going to check it out, I was just making sure everyone here is okay."

"We haven't seen Ed or Midoryia and last I saw Todoroki was in the room," Yiri answers, avoiding the fact that the first two ran off, and Bakugo groans.

"We don't have time to look for them, let's just go."

We follow behind Bakugo as we run down the street, I assume he knows where he's going. Yiri runs up beside me and hastily whispers in my ear.

"If it is League related we can't do anything, remember?" 

"I know, we'll have to stay back. But y'know... I don't know if I care anymore." Yiri drifts away without anything else, I just stare ahead and keep moving.

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