Chapter 37: Hair

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{Ed's POV}

The joy I had to see Izuku and Todoroki was quickly replaced with dread as he explained why they were back.

"I'm sorry... I can't get into the gritty details, but while we're here I need to give Ed my quirk, and Todoroki and I are going to head off to deal with the organization that kidnapped you," He looks at me and I can just sense there's something worse he's not telling us, "We'll deal with them and then we need to head back."

"That's it?" I ask, I don't know how I knew but I guess once you get used to dealing with Izuku you know to push further.  He looks at Todoroki who sits to my left, Tia's at my right, and next to her is Mrs. Midoryia. Todoroki nods in encouragement.

"There's a few finer details that I don't think I really need too-" He says sheepishly before I cut him off.

"Please, I want to know," He stops and sighs, clearly uncomfortable. I don't really care though, no more secrets.

"Well, the deal was... that once I give you my quirk, I'm supposed to lose all contact with you. And, when I get back I'm fighting The League, which could determine the fate of that organization and my freedom." He says it gently but it feels like I just got run over. I feel Tia grab my hand as I can feel myself getting a little faint.

"Oh." Is all I can manage.

"That was the deal, but Ed, please understand I'm not going to take that lying down. We may have to lose contact for a little bit but I'd be damned if I'm just going to disappear." That did little to ease my mind, but I guess I wouldn't put it past him to put himself in danger for everyone else's sake.

Mrs. Midoryia remains silent and simply stares at her plate, totally untouched. Todoroki's eyes dart between each person, not sure of what to do. Tia just watches me, sympathetically.

"You're nowhere near physically fit enough to handle One for All alone, but I'll need to rely on the idea that the energy suppressor that All for One gave me will also pass on. You'll be a little weaker but it'll keep your body from exploding until you get stronger."

"I forgot that was a threat," I nervously laugh, the idea of my arm exploding due to a quirk is terrifying. "So how do you pass it on again?"

{Midoriya's POV}

I laugh as I recall when I was first given One for All. It was surprising, to say the least, but on such a tight time crunch I couldn't argue with All Might. 

"I'd appreciate it if we could go see All Might first, you've met him right?" He nods, "I'd like to see him again..." I drift off into memory land before Todoroki lightly kicks me from underneath the table, snapping me back to reality, "Uh, I mean... the simplest way to pass it down is for you to eat a piece of my hair. Which is weird, I didn't take it well when I heard it, but it's true."

"Your... hair?" He asks, "I feel like you're joking."

"Nope, not at all. Again I'd appreciate it if we saw All Might before I passed it down, also so he can give you some tips too." He nods slowly, still unsure if I was joking or not. I'm so adamant that we see All Might because... well to be fair I missed having lunch with him. But also, he has a lot of influence in the hero community and I need to let him know whats going on. And I need him to convince Ed I'm telling the truth.

"So.... what's with fighting The League?" Tia asks, giving me a a side-eye,  "That sounds like a big deal too,"

"Yeah, it is... Shigaraki will be throwing members of The League at me to fight, and I may even have to fight All for One in the end... it'll be an absolute disaster but if I can pull it off it'll mean the biggest villain organization would be finished."

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