Chapter 21: Good News

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{Midoryia's POV}

We talked for quite a while before I decided I needed to go find the others.

I walk down the street, Ed and Tia stayed at the house to talk and so I let myself out. I didn't realize how long that took, the sun looks almost ready to set and I sigh, tired and sore.

Good for you.

I don't wanna talk to you right now.

You made a good choice. I have a good feeling about him.

Go away.

I'll leave you alone, I won't interfere. Just don't get into trouble. You might wanna tell him about me at some point... I don't think any aspect of me would get passed on, but he should know everything about his mentor.

It makes me very angry that Deku just feels like he could pop in whenever he wants. He can ruin my life than just leave. The audacity to try and boss me around and of course the random change in spirit between wanting power and giving in...

I don't answer and trudge on, tense and upset. I don't have a phone with me... I lost it when I was pushed into the water by that guy. I try not to think of Nao. I've avoided the topic of my cat for the past few days, I don't want to get super emotional in front of everyone. But I assume if anything bad happened they would have told me.

I stare at my feet and walk, not too sure where to go. Just going somewhere... god I gotta call Roki and have him bring Nao. I'm afraid of what'll happen when I see the two of them. I might just start crying... I don't like crying in front of Kozo, Yiri, and Zikashi.

 They're my best friends but I still feel strange doing so. In a way, I still feel like I'm their leader, the boss. I have to stay strong, even though I'm not in charge anymore. Todoroki and Kacchan however, I've known for much longer and feel more comfortable around them. I miss them...

"Izuku!" Yiri's voice calls and I look up to see the gang walking towards me. Yiri seems cheerful, Kozo is as carefree as ever, and Zikashi is unfocused.

"Oh Hey!" I snap to attention and slap on a smile, despite feeling melancholic. "Yiri could I borrow your phone..." He nods and hands me it without much thought. I quickly text Todoroki and let him know to bring Nao as well as a quick paragraph explaining the situation with Ed. It's filled with grammatical errors and broken English but I hope he sees it in time. I hand it back and I see Yiri quickly check it and raise an eyebrow, but he put it away with no questions.

"Find anything?" 

"Not really," Kozo said, "I asked a police officer and he looked scared to death and didn't answer. So there's that."

"Dammit... well... once Todoroki and Bakugo get here we'll see what they can do."

{Todoroki's POV}

I arrived at UA academy with Bakugo and we carelessly walked onto campus. All Might spends all of his time here despite not really teaching that much anymore. I don't quite know why, but whatever works for him. 

We greet passerbys and a couple of students gawk a little, I wave and be friendly, but I try and get to the teacher's lounge swiftly. Bakugo gets caught up a little on a couple of the door frames due to the nature of his costume, which unfortunately I laugh at. Which angers him.

"Shut your mouth!" I roll my eyes and continue down the hallway.

I knock on the door as I open it. All Might and Aizawa sit on the small couches in the room, hovering over cups of tea. Their eyes drift up to me and All Might gestures for us to sit down. I sit next to him. Aizawa is in front of me with a somber look on his face; Bakugo plops down beside him.

"Nice to see you two" Aizawa's tired voice greets.

"Glad you came by," All Might smiles his skeletal smile. 

"Of course..." I think of how to preface this. They all know of All Might and Izukus quirk, and they know of the situation over in America. Bakugo doesn't know what I have to say either and they all watch me expectedly. He's strangely calm, and I don't want to disturb the peace.

"Well... Izuku called me earlier today-"

"Is he okay?" All Might interjects, his voice full of fear. It catches me off guard a little...

"Of course," I answer quickly, trying to calm him down, "In fact this news largely involves you, All Might." 

"Oh," He sounds a little relieved.

"We all know the nature of your quirks." It's good news but I feel nervous about it. On the way here I received a text message from Yiri, I assume Izuku was using his phone. He quickly explained the situation I just don't know how to relay that to All Might.

"Izuku has claimed to have found a successor to One for All. A child by the name of Edward Ju... I don't know much about him other than that, but I'm sure I'll meet him tomorrow. He wants you to meet him All Might, but that might take some time..." My words drift away as I see All Might's empty face. He stares wide-eyed at the table and grips his mug tightly.

"A... successor..." He whispers, he sounds like a ghost. 

"Interesting..." Aizawa comments. He too seems lost in thought. Bakugo's jaw is hanging open and seems absolutely dumbfounded.

"WHAT!" He yells, "No no no no, Deku can not have that... that isn't.... NO!" He's very upset, it's almost humorous. 

"A... successor... A new..." All Might process this and we all fall silent as we watch the gears turn, worried at how he's actually taking this. He shakes a little as he stands up, he leaves the cup on the table and I find myself a little afraid. Aizawa looks worried too.

"All Might... are you alright?" Aizawa asks. Suddenly All Might starts laughing and he loosens up, his mood changes from shock to pure joy. He jumps around and laughs, excited and happy.

"I can't believe Young Midoryia found a successor! I trust him with this, I can't wait to meet this Edward!"

"He's acting like a grandparent..." I hear Bakugo mumble.

"A grandparent? Oh! I suppose that wouldn't be inaccurate!" All Might smiles.

"I don't think that's how that works-" Aizawa tries to cut in but All Might takes over the conversation.

"Oh, why not! I wonder if the boy knows of me... I'm sure he does. Has he already transferred it? Oh, It would be awfully soon... I want to meet him! Young Todoroki, Bakugo, bring him back, will you?"

"I don't think we can just kidnap a child and bring him to Japan-"

"Of course not! But I'm sure... I'll pay for it!" He bounces from thought to thought and rambles. We all watch him for a while as he rambles, I see a small smile on Aizawa's face. My phone buzzes and I see a text from Yiri. It's a picture of Midoryia next to a smiling teenager with black messy hair, and peculiar eyes. I assume that's the boy.

I chuckle a little, Midoryia's eyes shine with a light and hope I haven't seen in a while. I show the phone to Aizawa who also smiles at the picture, Bakugo grabs my phone and looks at the kid. The frown on his face stays the same but I can see his eyes soften. He thrusts the phone back at me.

All Might happily comes over and looks over my shoulder at the picture.

"I can't wait to meet him!" I laugh and check the time. It's getting late so I stand up, Bakugo does the same.

"Well it's getting late, I just thought I should tell you before we left... oh, All Might. Midoryia also asked me to get some medication from you that he needs, know what that is?"

"Medication?" His happy attitude doesn't dissipate completely but it does die down. "He needs it? I hope he's okay..." He shambles over to a cupboard and gets a bottle from the top shelf filled with purple pills. 

"What is this stuff?"

"Nothing. Just... make sure he takes some when he gets it."  

I nod and wave at the two of them, Bakugo walks ahead of me and opens the door, slamming it just as I get there I sigh and yank the door open.

"Have a good day sir." 

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