Chapter 17: Fight Back

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{Deku's POV}

Control... over every hero... in America...

What does that even mean? How many heroes are there? America is significantly larger than Japan, there must be hundreds of heroes in California alone, right? 

My brain starts to hurt trying to wrap my head around that level of power. How the hell did they manage that? 

"Ha..." I breathe, finding it difficult to formulate words. Midoryia tries to surface at this point but I try my hardest to push him back down. "How?" I finally get out.

"Izu!" Toga smiles and bounces around and sits criss-cross in front of me. "We may have lied just a little," She laughs, "We threatened them all... with you!" 

"What does that mean?" I try and think it through but I find myself preoccupied with making sure Midoryia stays down. He's not doing much, which worries me. I myself don't understand my sudden change in attitude. I guess temptation and a fresh slate was just too much.

"Wellllll.... we told them that if they didn't listen and do whatever we want, we'd have you destroy them and the country!"

"Oh. I see." It makes me a little upset that they were doing this behind my back, especially since they assumed I was a traitor and wasn't going to work with them. But I'm not exactly in the best position to argue. "What are you going to do with this country once you win it?"

"That's an interesting question," Shigaraki speaks up, "I'd like to use it as a hub for business. I do miss Japan... I don't plan on staying here after we're done. Nonetheless, you've always been a very weak, small branch of The League these past few years. But we need you now to help out as if you were an actual member."

I hear Midoryia scream in the back of my mind. I think he's crying? That hasn't happened in a while. If he was in control he'd run. He'd grab Ed, Tia, and our little band of misfits and get everyone to safety. He'd crash the helicopter even. I can feel his desperation, I can hear his fear. I know he's begging me to let us discuss it. I wonder why he's suddenly so emotional? Maybe he and I split again. He's becoming more of his old self, same as I. What caused that...? 

 It's significantly harder to hold him back now than before so I need to wrap this up. I do feel a little guilty, that must be his influence. I should just leave.

But that's not fun in the long run, right? 

"I see..." Adrenaline pumps through my blood and I stand up and stretch. I look down at the outfit I wear; sweatpants and a dumb t-shirt. I look up and snap into Boss Mode, I smile at the members and gesture wildly as I speak, remembering the days I was a villain and trying to imitate my behaviors from back then. It feels unnatural, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

"Well?" Dabi asks.

"First things first!" I yell, a wide smile on my face, "We need to change my wardrobe,"


His voice echoes and is whispy in my head, but it scares me a little.

Deku! Please don't... please... we don't have too.

"Second!" I yell, ignoring him, "I'll need to ensure you won't harm the family I mentioned earlier."

Don't screw life up for us again... the cycle is going to continue no matter what. Todoroki and Bakugo will never trust us again if they figure this out. I don't want to lose them again, they'll be up here soon to get me. Deku... we need to work together. I know life wasn't going so great for us but this won't make it better!

"Third, I refuse to ditch my previous relationships. My association with you will need to unknown to everyone. A villain name change is in order, and perhaps a mask of some sort..."

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