Chapter 13: Meeting

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{Midoryia's POV}

It's nearly dark when we finally get off the building and Ed leads me to a local library with functioning payphones. I didn't know these things were still around, but I guess I can't complain. 

Ed pays for me to use the phone and I dial the only number I know off the top of my head.

{Yiri's POV}

I wake up from my tired haze to a phone ringing in the hotel room. I roll off the couch and look around for the source. I see that it's my phone. Zikashi whines and pulls a pillow over her head, Kozo on the other bed just glares at me tiredly.

I pick up my phone and nearly throw it across the room. I stare at it for a minute as it rings until I finally pick it up.

"Heh..." I breath out, not able to form words, "H-hello?" I stutter.

"Hey man..." The unmistakable voice of Midoryia sounds through the speaker. His voice, despite sounding exhausted, has a twang of affection in it. Now that I think about it, Midoryia's voice has always sounded nice and inviting, even when he's angry or tired. The only time he's sounded genuinely mean is during the whole 'Purple Liquid part two, electric boogaloo' thing.

"Where are you?" I ask him, surprised at how easy this could be.

"Not sure, gonna be totally honest with you." He admits nonchalantly. I sigh, my heart sinks a little. Until an idea hits me.

"Did you punch some guy earlier today and run off with a kid?" I see Zikashi and Kozo look up at me, unsure as to who I'm talking to ask such a question. There's silence on the line, I hear him let out a sigh.

"Perhaps." He answers finally. I'm disappointed in him but also excited because that means we're in the same city.



"We're in the same area then."

"Yeah... am I on speaker?" He sounds weary.

"No... why is something wrong?"

"You can tell Kozo and Zashi, but please just come by yourself."

I think about it for a second, it's late and dangerous, but I can't just leave Midoryia out there.

"Fine. I'll get you. Where are you?" I give in, Zikashi and Kozo are both so tired I doubt they'd notice or care if I left for a little bit.

Midoryia tells me the name of some library and hangs up. I look up the address and grab some cash and head out, calling a cab to go get Midoryia.

{Midoryia's POV}

I hang up the phone and crouch down to Eds level. He's shivering and looks a little scared as he watches the horizon get darker. 

"My friends coming to get us, alright? Do you wanna call Tia really quick to let her know you're okay?"

He shakes his head.

"I don't have any more money," He whispers, I frown, feeling a little guilty that I took this kids money.

"We can call her once my friend gets here. Yiri is really nice, you'll like him."

"What's he doing here? How'd you know they were here?" 

I laugh a little, surprised a little with myself.

"Well... they're coming to get me. I knew they would, albeit I'm a little upset about it. It's a long story I guess..." I notice the somber look on Ed's face, his black hair droops in his face, but I can see his eyes were a dark blue "Hey, it's okay. We'll get you back to Tia soon."

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