Chapter 32: Warehouse

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{Deku's POV}

Y'know it's getting really tiring piloting this junk body around.

No response. I sit in my little room provided by The League, the one Toga kept nice for me, on the floor right next to the cot. I couldn't be bothered to actually sit on the bed.

Really nice of you to help me out here. Do you think I want to be doing this 24/7? I can't even do what I need or want to do because of your influence.

Please stop complaining. If I didn't hold you back sometimes the city would be destroyed.

He's quiet and tired, maybe watching all of this happening has taken a toll.

Alright well don't get in the way, we have things we need to do. What're we doing anyway? What's the goal? Are we here, infiltrating The League and bring them down? Help them while simultaneously helping the heroes?

I don't know... I don't know... 

Well then I'm making the decision. 

I feel angry, I don't know why. A red boiling feeling fills my heart and head.

The decision is, we're with The League and that's that. We do what they ask, we do what benefits us and keeps the others alive. But we won't be helping them bring The League down.

Why protect The League? 

Well, one, protecting The League is protecting them. And two, I'm so tired of sitting around and worrying about what's right and wrong. 

{Izuku's POV}

I can feel Deku getting angry, I don't know what happened, he's suddenly turned and become erratic. 

Deku, take a deep breath, you're not thinking clearly.

I'm thinking long term! I'm not holding back anymore, there's no point. I refuse to let us live constantly bouncing back and forth between 'Oh we're the heroes, oh we're the villain, oh we're both, oh we're neither?'

The pills! We need pills... where are they... 

Deku check your pockets. Are the pills still in there somewhere?

Deku rolls his eyes and pats his pockets.

No, must've fallen out somewhere.

Holy shit. I can feel myself start to panic, thinking of what happened last time he got out of control.

Deku gives me control, I'll do it for a while, okay? Please?

I can't let him do this again, I can't believe I made him take control, I knew that making him pilot for so long he would've worn out and reverted back to himself. 

What're you planning...

You said you were tired, so I'll take it for a little while okay? Sorry I didn't consider that.

If I don't agree with something going on Izuku... I won't stand for it.

I slip into control and immediately my body starts shaking violently. My nervousness and stress are released into the body and It takes me a while to gain control of my rogue limbs.

Eventually, I'm able to gain move, but my legs shake as I get used to piloting again. I stumble out of the room and fall into the wall. 

"Have too much to drink or what?" Dabi's voice asks as I turn my head to see him peeking out of one of the rooms a few doors down.

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