In Trouble | Part Four

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Peter walked into school the next day, clutching the signed pink slip. He saw Flash in the hallway, and tried to slip by unnoticed, but luck did not seem to be on his side.

"Yo! Parker!" He shouted. Peter turned to look at him, regretting it already. "Why do you look so sad? Huh?" Flash said, smirking. "Maybe it's because of your suspension?" Peter rolled his eyes and starting walking away, but Flash grabbed his shirt (Peter had no backpack, seeing as he would be returning home right after he turned the slip in).

"Hey. I'm not done with you yet." He said, and Peter gave a half-hearted glare. "You do know that your suspension was my fault, right?"

Peter looked confused, because why would that be Flash's fault?

"You see, a normal punishment for that many absences, tardies, and, well, falling asleep that many times, is only a reprimand and a note home."

"However, seeing as my parents are big members of the school board, and not to mention the donations that they make to the school each year, they decided to intervene. They couldn't let your actions go unpunished, could they?"

Peter gave him one last glare before pushing him away and walking towards the principal's office.

If the suspension truly was Flash's fault, then Peter would have to get him back somehow.

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