chapter thirty-five

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The Man In White

     By now he thought that Leila might have forgiven him, just to get him to leave, but not yet. He was still alone in her bedroom, cuddling with his guitar. The door to Leila’s bedroom swung open, and Leila herself walked right through the doors. He smiled widely at her, hoping she had come to accept his appolagy. “Oh,” She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re still here.”

     His smile disappeared.

     She walked from the door into her closet, and came out with a fluffy white towel. “I told you I wasn’t leaving until you forgave me, and I’m not.” The Man in White huffed. She just rolled her eyes, stopping right in front of the bed. “Listen, you might as well give up. We’re mates, and I love you, but I’m still me, and I’m still mad. I don’t know when or if I will forgive you, but for right now you need to give me some space because I’ve had a really long day, and I just wanna take a bath, okay?” I nodded lamely. She looked away from me, entering the bathroom. Je behged that she wold forgive him, as he didn’t know what he would do without her.

     After a while of just sitting there, thinking of other ways to apologize, he heard Leila’s voice. “I forgot my uh.. underwear. Get it for me?” She asked, and I instantly got up from my position on her bed. “Sure.” He replied.

     He didn’t ask her which drawer. Instead he looked in each one of them until he found the right one. He opened a drawer, and a collection of sexy red, black, pink and white undergarments were displayed. “Oh, fuck—”

     “Is everything okay?” He heard Leila’s voice once more. He grabbed two random objects from the door and slammed it, rather loudly.

     “Yes! Yeah,” He speed–walked to the bathroom door and nocked lightly.

     “Come in,”

     He walked inside, and couldn’t help that his eyes snapped right to the image of Leila inside of a large white tub. She would have been completely exposed to him if it weren’t for the bubbles threatening to spill. “Thanks,” She grinned, noticing that I was staring. He blushed like an idiot and placed the undergarments on the closed toilet seat, trying to ignore how uncomfertable his jeans had gotten. He stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do next. Leila raised an eyebrow, most likely amused by his staring and shifting around.

     “You can go now.” She told him.

     “What? Oh, yeah. Sorry.” He left the room, letting out a puff of air once he knew she wouldn’t hear him. ‘God I am an idiot.’  He sat back down on the bed, still holding the guitar close to him. Minutes later, Leila opened the door, letting the warm steam seep through the open door.

     She was dressed in sweat pants and a baggy T-shirt. She had no make up on, and her hair was in a messy bun. He quirked an eyebrow. “What?” She asked, realizing that he was staring. He simply shrugged his shoulders, smiling. “You look beautiful without makeup.” She blushed.

     “I want to show you something.” He told her, getting up from the bed and removing the guitar’s strap from around his shoulder. She took a step back. It hurt a bit to see her step away from him, but e shrugged it off. “Show me what?”

     He grabbed her arm and walked out of the room, girnning like an idiot. Leila didn’t protest, which surprised him. He took her to the middle of the kingdoms, which was surprisingly empty. He layed down right there and she looked down at him, a puzzled look on her gorgeous face. “Just lay down, damn it.” He groaned, pulling her down by her arm.

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