coffee pt 1

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it was a warm saturday morning. park jimin was on his way to work. he was an employee at 'latte dreams', a small, yet well known cafe.

jimin took the buildings keys out before inserting the metal into the lock, twisting it several times before the door unlocked. as usual, he was the first to arrive. he closed the door behind him before turning on the lights of the cafe. he shuffled his feet over to the back room, taking his jacket off and putting on his apron.

he ran a hand through his soft hair before heading back. he walked over behind the counter, turning on the small bluetooth speaker before connecting it with his phone. he began to play some light music, slipping his phone back in his pants. he walked over to the tables, taking down the chairs.

"sorry!! i'm here!"

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"sorry!! i'm here!"

a loud voice echoed. it was kim taehyung! one of jimin's closest friends.

"its not a problem. i'm used to it by now." jimin turns around from giving the small plants water, smiling at taehyung as he made his way to the back to change.

"it'll probably be just us today. jisoo texted me earlier saying she won't be here today." jimin said with a pout before returning his attention back on the plant.

"that's a shame!" taehyung yelled from the back before returning, tying the apron. "you ready to make some coffee and sell some pastries?"

"of course i am!"

"of course i am!"

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"here you are." jimin said with a smile, giving the young lady her coffee.

"thank you!" she said, giving a small bow before she was off.

"she was nice." jimin said before turning around to grab a white towel to wipe off the counter from any spills.

"you say that for everyone." taehyung rolled his eyes, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.

"my apologies. then everyone here is nice." jimin stood up straight, sticking his tongue out at the other before hearing the bells above the door jingle.

he placed the towel down before turning around to face the new customer.

"hi! please take your time. feel free to order whenever!" jimin said with a smile before observing the man.

he was definitely taller than jimin. dark colored eyes and dark colored hair. he looked about 21 or 22. oh, and he was also wearing all black. along with a black mask. something about him caught jimin's attention.

"i'm ready." the man said.

jimin realized he was staring before shaking his head quickly, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"right, sorry! what would you like, sir?"

the man chuckled, slipping his mask off. jimin swore his heart skipped a beat.

"just get me a black, please." he said before looking down at his phone.

jimin nodded before turning around to get his coffee ready. while he waited, he turned his head over slightly to see the man snicker down at his phone. jimin let out a sigh before realizing the man was the one looking at him now.

he could feel his cheeks reddening up, so he quickly turned away. he muttered curse words over and over again before finishing up his order. he poured the dark liquid in a cup before swiftly turning back around, sliding the cup towards him.

"that'll be $1.95!" jimin chirped.

the man nodded his head before taking his wallet out, pulling out two ones, handing it over to jimin.

reaching out, jimin's fingers accidentally brushed over his. he froze for a second before quickly taking it.

he didn't understand. brushing a customers hand by accident always happened. but why was he freaking out about this one?

"here's your change." jimin said before giving him five pennies. "enjoy!"

he said with a smile, watching the tall man take a sip of the coffee. he sat down at a nearby table, scrolling through his phone.

jimin let out a big sigh before groaning, walking over to taehyung, resting his head on his shoulder.

"get off of me, you baboon! i have customers to serve!" he shrugs jimin off.

"meanie." jimin mumbles before heading leaning down, resting his head on his hand, observing the place and humming to the gentle music playing in the background.

his eyes scanned around until it landed on that same man from a few minutes ago. he smiled softly.

after 30 minutes of serving more customers, jimin noticed the man was done

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after 30 minutes of serving more customers, jimin noticed the man was done. he walked out, and over to the table.

"let me take this for you." he said with a smile. he picked up the cup before seeing a hand slide over a napkin with writing on it.

jimin looked at it, realizing it was his number. before raising his head up to say something at the man,

he was gone.

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