new roomie pt. 2

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"t-tiny?" jimin scoffed.

jungkook lifted his hand up in the air, waving it back and forth before walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

jimin let out a small sigh, standing in the same spot for a few more seconds before turning around to sit on his bed. he couldn't believe that he had to be his roommate.

jimin scratched the back of his neck, a small pout forming on his face before he heard the ringing of his phone. jimin pulled out his phone from his pocket, and put the device next to his ear.


"jimin!!" hoseok's voice tinged.

"oh, hey!!" jimin smiled.

"did you settle in yet? is your room small?"

"i thought that decorating would take a while, but it actually didn't take super long," jimin said. "and i'd say the room is a decent size for two people."

"ahh right. what about your roommate? have you met him yet?"

"ahh," jimin pouted a little. "let's just say he didn't really make a good first impression. he called me tiny.."

hoseok laughed.

"i mean, is he lying though? anyways, is he cute? maybe this could be your chance to actually get a good looking boyfriend."

"yah!" jimin scoffed. "first of all, i am not tiny. secondly, he's pretty attractive i guess. he's pretty tall and has a nice body structure."

hoseok gasped. "how do you know? damn, jimin already gettin it-"

"shut up. he said he was going to take a shower, so he took his shirt off right in front of me." jimin mumbled.

"ahh, okay. i was gonna say."

jimin rolled his eyes. the two talked for a little bit more until he heard a knock at the door.

"hey, hoseok, i'm gonna talk to you later. someone's here!" jimin quickly said, interrupting hoseok telling his story.

"what? okay! text me!!"

"bye!" jimin hung up before tossing his phone on his bed. he stood up and walked over to the front door to open it.

"what took you so long, jungk- you're not jungkook."

a tall, red haired guy stood at the doorway. he had a boxy smile and was pretty tall. jimin also really liked his outfit. he could tell his fashion taste was good. he made eye contact with him.

"you're not jungkook."

jimin was not expecting his voice to be deep. not at all. "a-ah, i'm jimin! park jimin. i'm actually his roommate."

taehyung blinked a couple times before his mouth shaped into a small 'o'. "ah! hi, jimin. i'm taehyung, kim taehyung. i'm jungkook's best friend! do you happen to know where kook is?"

"ah, he's taking a shower. do you want to come in?" jimin stepped to the side.

"thanks!" taehyung smiled before walking inside, jimin closing the door behind him.

jimin watched as taehyung collapsed on jungkook's bed, letting out a big sigh before sitting up straight. "so, what's your first impression of jungkook?"

"ah," jimin walked over to his own bed, sitting on the soft material. "well, uh, he's okay? he didn't really make a good first impression when we first met."

taehyung laughed, and jimin let out a nervous chuckle.


jimin and taehyung turned their heads at the sudden voice. jungkook was done with his shower, and stood with a towel wrapped around his waist, hair dripping wet. his torso glistened.

jimin could tell his cheeks were reddening up. he quickly looked away, letting out a small cough.

"hey, kook!!" taehyung smiled.

"when did you get here?" jungkook dropped his hand from the handle of the door and looked over at jimin who was looking at the wall. "did tiny let you in?"

jimin whipped his head back around and let out a scoff. "excuse me? i'm not tiny! stop calling me that."

taehyung let out a chuckle before nodding his head. "yeah, he did."

jungkook nodded his head before heading over to his side of the room to pick out some clothes.

jimin watched as the two best friends began having their own conversation. taehyung lay flat on his stomach, watching as jungkook picked out a shirt, flinging it over his shoulder.

"hey kook, wanna go to that party tonight? i'm pretty sure yoongi is hosting it. his parties are always amazing, we should definitely go!" taehyung perked up.

"i haven't been to a party in a few days. so yeah, why not. let's go." jungkook agreed without hesitation. he put on a pair of gray sweatpants, and fixed his shirt after putting it on. "what time?"

"uh, i'm pretty sure it's at 9. so we have a few hours." taehyung checked his phone.

taehyung then looked over to jimin. "you should come! i could do your makeup and pick out an outfit for you. this will be your first party!"

jimin's eyes widened a bit. "w-what? me? a party?"

"yes! you already are hot, so when i do your makeup and pick you an outfit, you'll look even more hot." taehyung cocked an eyebrow up.

jimin let out a nervous laugh before fiddling with the cuffs of his sweatshirt. "i-i'm not good with drinks.."

"who cares? just have some fun!! trust me, you're gonna have fun." taehyung said.

jimin bit his bottom lip. going to a party on the first night? that seemed crazy to him. what would his mom think?

jimin looked up to see jungkook already looking at him, arms crossed over his body.

"i mean, i-i guess i could go..?" jimin mumbled before letting out a small smile.

taehyung squealed before sitting up straight, clapping his hands. "alright!!"

jimin let out a giggle.

crap. what did i just do.

 what did i just do

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14k reads.

i am soooo thankful for each and every one of you!!

you guys asked for roomie pt.2, so here you go!! i'm sorry if it didn't turn out great.

before, i had a super great plan for it, but after things began to go downhill, i sort of forgot about it :(

but anyways, please don't be a ghost reader!!

you voting and commenting allows me to keep writing, and get feedback from you guys so i can improve!!

i try my best to reply to every single comment!!

i love you guys!!!

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