bus stop

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it was as if they saw each other, every day, every morning, every night.

jimin, a 23 year old would always walk to the bus too every morning to go to work. as the days would pass, jimin had noticed a new face at the bus stop. he knew he was new, because he's never seen him at the bus stop before. jimin knows who's at his bus stop, as creepy as that sounds.

the new face was quite tall, long legs. he had pretty doe eyes, and a cute nose. his face was slim and he had a well carved jawline. but the first thing jimin had noticed, was his fashion. boy, did he have some good fashion.

jimin woke up on a cloudy tuesday, shoving the blankets aside, walking into the bathroom to get ready for the day. he went to the toilet, washed his face, did his hair and makeup.

he left the bathroom and headed straight to his closet where he picked out a sweatshirt and sweatpants, as well as a wind breaker.

jimin grabbed his phone and left his room, heading into the kitchen. jimin lived in an apartment, not too big, not too small. he didn't feel the need of getting such a big apartment for him and his small dog, koya. the dog lay on the kitchen floor, head resting over her small arms.

"good morning, princess." jimin walked over to the sleepy dog and crotched down. he extended his arm to pet the dog, giggling softly when she had woken up with a small flinch.

jimin stood back up again to leave the pup alone, and began his daily routine. first, a cup of warm tea. jimin used to be a coffee addict, and realized how bad it was. so he switched to tea.

jimin took out a small tea packet from his collection of teas, and placed it on the countertop. he began boiling the water, and waited for a few minutes before pouring the hot water into his cup. he opened his tea bag, and placed it inside. he picked up the cup and gently blew before taking a small sip, licking his lips afterwards.

he spent about 15 minutes scrolling through his phone, liking and commenting on posts while drinking his tea. after he had finished, he shut his phone off and placed the cup in the sink to wash later. he looked at the time. he was early as usual.

jimin walked out of the kitchen to go to the front of his apartment, and opened the closet door. he picked out a long beige colored coat and tied tied the wrap. he put on his shoes and shoved his phone in his pockets before leaving the apartment, yelling goodbye to his dog.

jimin first began using the bus when he first moved into his apartment. yes, he has a car, but he's just too lazy to walk down into the parking lot to get his car. jimin hums to a random tune when he walks to the bus station. and every time he's gone to the bus station, it's always the same exact people. a sweet old lady, 2 students, and one man who seems to be in his 40s.

when he gets to the bus stop, jimin expects to see the same people waiting patiently for the bus to come. but there's someone new. someone jimin doesn't recognize.

he was tall, and wearing all black. he had a long black coat with a black turtle neck. black boots and a black bucket hat. jimin slowed down his walking to stand and wait. he stood behind the man, and looked at him up and down.

how come he's suddenly here? did he move? why do i even care?

jimin shook his head before the bus had come, and everybody got on.

jimin shook his head before the bus had come, and everybody got on

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