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please read the a/n at the end!!
( this is a v short one. )

"okay tae, i'm leaving now!!" jimin shouted from the front door, standing up after tying his shoes.

"okay!" he heard his best friend call out.

with that, jimin left his apartment. he and taehyung were hanging out today, and they were planning on binging some shows. but the problem, they didn't have any good snacks. so taehyung made jimin go out and buy some.

shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt, jimin began walking to the nearest convenience store. he looked up into the sky, squinting his eyes a bit. the sky was a pretty shade of blue, and the sun was shining brightly. there were almost no clouds in sight.

what a nice day.

jimin had reached his destination, and pushed the door open, hearing the small little jingle of the bells.

jimin pulled his phone out to text taehyung.

what do u want?

it didn't take long for jimin to receive a message back.

hmm, chips
and uh, maybe ice cream?
get ramenn!!
idk just get whateva

okkkk (:

jimin turned his phone off and slid his phone back into his pocket. jimin walked through the small aisles, humming along to the song playing on the speaker above.

jimin grabbed several jumbo bags of chips, some pocky, a little bit of candy, and two cups of ramen. he thought this would be enough.

he carried his small cart of food to the cashier and when it was his turn to pay, he began taking out the items, greeting the cashier with a soft smile. waiting patiently, jimin took his card out, and payed. he thanked the cashier as he took the bags, and went to the front of the store.

"shit.." jimin mumbled.

it was raining. well, pouring, actually.

"what the hell? it literally was sunny when i got here..." jimin groaned. he placed his bags on the ground and took out his phone.

"it's crazy right? crazy how fast the weather can change."

jimin flinched at the sudden voice. he looked up from his phone to see a male staring outside. he could only see his eyes since the male had a black mask on.

"yeah.. pretty crazy." jimin pouted a little as he looked outside again. "ugh, how am i gonna get home now?"


jimin turned and looked at the male. in his hand was an umbrella. jimin quickly shook his head before pushing the man's arm back. "nono, no need. you take it. i'll just have my friend pick me up!"

the male didn't say anything as he extended his arm again with the umbrella.

jimin nervously let out a chuckle. "i insist..! i can just put up my hood or something."

the male took jimin's hand and placed the umbrella in his hand. "take it."

jimin bit his bottom lip before letting out a small sigh. "you win."

the male let out a deep chuckle before pulling his mask down. and holy shit, jimin could've sworn he was incredibly handsome.

"t-thank you so much.. err, what's your name?" jimin smiled softly.

"jungkook. yours?"

"jimin. it's so nice to meet you."

the two smiled at each other.

"do you want me to give this back to you somehow? i don't need to keep it."

"just take it. i don't need it." jungkook said.

jimin frowned. "well i want to give you at least something."

"you can give me your number." jungkook smirked, leaving jimin stunned.

" jungkook smirked, leaving jimin stunned

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this is just a small lil story :(
i felt super bad for not posting anything in a while!!

i'm currently working on a story atm, so please bare with me!

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