Chapter 38

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I looked at the warlock guards training. Their magical abilities were pretty impressive. Not as impressive as Qin, but they're good. I saw someone move out of the corner of my eye and turned to look. It was Cindy. She had two things of cotton candy. She smiled brightly and I couldn't help but return it. She came and stood next to me, and held out one of the cotton candies, "Here." I took it, "I take it one of the guys took you to the fair, " I asked her. There was a fair going on to celebrate Qin becoming king. I had gone the first day but I hated the mixed attention I received. The hatred for half breeds was gone thanks to the curse being broken, but the warlocks have a standing hatred for witches. Even though I'm not fully a witch, the mark on my forehead makes them think differently. I don't blame them for their hatred, after all, it was a witch who turned them into demons.

"I'm sorry about the other day, " I whispered to her, looking down at the cotton candy. She made me look at her, "I forgave you that night it happened. I know having to adjust here isn't easy for you." I shrugged, "To be honest I really don't care where we are. As long as you and the others are with me. Home is where the heart is, and my heart is with you." Cindy's eyes filled with tears, "We're all mad you have no sense of normal Alice." "This is normal. Constantly moving and going. Always ready for the next danger, " I told her before putting a piece of cotton candy in my mouth. "Looking over your shoulder isn't being ready for the next danger, " Cindy told me. "We all want to live a life of peace and happiness with you. We want to settle and just live in the moment."

That was something I didn't know how to do. She then looked out of the window, "So why are you watching the guards train?" "I was thinking about how they're so far behind the times. It's like their entire race stood still in time, oblivious to the changes around them, " I shared with her. She giggled, "I know what you mean, showing Gin how to use a smartphone was so funny." "I want to make some changes, but I don't even know where to start, " I told her as I sighed. "They don't even have electricity." Cindy nodded, "Yeah that really has to change. Same with the castle's insulation issue. It makes me want to keep Pyrus as close as possible." I laughed softly, "I think he'd enjoy it immensely." She giggled as she nodded in agreement, "I think he would too."

"Did I hear two of my beautiful mates mention me, " Pyrus said with a smirk as he walked over to us. We giggled and rolled our eyes at him. He wrapped his arms around our shoulders and lead us towards the throne room. A large Christmas tree was by one wall, and the rest of our mates with boxes of decorations. A small couch had been brought in where Qin was sitting in a pair of sweats and a tshirt.

Cindy squealed and went over to help. I was trying to take it all in. It was my first Christmas that I actually get to celebrate after my parents' death. It's been so long since I've celebrated it. I felt Pyrus kiss my cheek causing me to smile. I went over to the boxes of decorations and saw various colored ornaments. Some looked to be antique while others appeared to be much newer. "I can't believe you flew home and got these," Cindy squealed before kissing Drake's cheek. He smiled, "I wanted us to have something normal to do."

I went over and sat on the couch next to Qin. He wrapped an arm around me and I leaned into his warmth. Shelton sat on the other side of me. Cindy looked at the lights, "We need electricity to get these to work." I waved a hand, using my magic to get the lights to come on. She smiled brightly, "Yay!"

Once Nathaniel and Pyrus got the lights on the tree I got up to help put ornaments on the tree. Drake had Christmas music playing on his phone through a bluetooth speaker. We sang and laughed and it was a good change of pace for once. I had stepped back to look at our almost finished tree. All that was needed was the star. Shelton's arms then wrapped around me, and I noticed a worn brown box in his hands. It was my mother's Christmas tree star. I had snuck it out with the rest of my belongings when I was kicked out. Of course I had to wait for everyone to pass out drunk off their asses but I had refused to leave with out it. I had put it in a spell portal for safe keeping and when I moved in with my mates I summoned it forth and put it away since I was no longer on the move constantly. I had left it behind in the house when we came here because I had so much on my mind at the time.

I felt my eyes burn with tears, "My mother's star." I took it from him and removed the lid. It was made of sterling silver and snow crystals. Snow crystals were rare to find but my dad had found the star when at a flea market. A human was selling it, thinking they were fake pieces of glass. Never will they know how wrong they are.

"Are those snow crystals," Nathaniel observed when I took it out of the box. I nodded, "Yeah." Snow crystals had no monetary value, but they are special because on nights it snows, the crystals give off a soft white glow. It was truly beautiful. Shelton lifted me up and I put it on the top of the tree.

Cindy let out a squeal of happiness at our finished tree as Shelton put me down. He kissed my cheek and I smiled softly. "We should watch Christmas movies," Cindy declared happily. "We don't have electricity," Nathaniel reminded her, which made her pout. Drake wrapped his arms around her, "This year, let's try to find other things to occupy our time with." 

We then played cards and other games till it was late and we fell asleep.

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