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"younghoon, get the hell out of the club room." chanhee raised younghoon's arm and tried dragging him to the door.

"no." the stubborn boy closed his eyes. "continue your practice, nyu. just act like i'm not here."

"how can i act like you're not here when you're noisy as shit?!"

"chanhee, language." chanhee glanced at bae jacob who's looking at him with a disapproving look. he gave him a peace sign with an apologetic smile.

chanhee was practicing with his co-glee club members when younghoon suddenly barged in and made inhuman noises, disrupting their practice. the members didn't mind, since they're used to it already but chanhee isn't. the school's annual festival is coming soon and chanhee's glee club is one of the clubs who'll be showing off a performance. he wants to show an amazing and unique performance, different from what the club performs every year. he wants to show everyone that he, the club's newly-appointed president, deserves the position.

"let's just take a break first." another member, kevin moon said. "whoo! i think my throat's all sore now."

"we're just gonna eat, chanhee." kevin told him. chanhee nodded in response and just looked at younghoon's direction again with a bored face.

"you should consider joining a club, you know."

younghoon opened one eye. "why? so i can get additional non-curriculum points?"

chanhee shook his head. "no. so you can stop bothering the fuck out of every practice of our club."

"sometimes i wonder why you're my frie—" younghoon's statement was cut off when jacob called chanhee. "nyu! someone's looking for you!"

chanhee looked up and saw changmin nervously advancing towards him. the orange-haired boy looks uncomfortable. "hi changmin!" he greeted him. he saw younghoon suddenly standing properly at the corner of his eye.

"hi to you too." changmin glanced at younghoon who's all smiles and is currently standing beside him. "hi younghoon."

"h-hi!" chanhee mentally rolled his eyes at younghoon's stuttering.

"what brings you here?" he asked him.

he saw changmin gulp. he sure is nervous, he thought. "you know the school festival's coming soon, right? well, our adviser told me that they'll be shaking up things this year. she told me that this year, clubs will be collaborating with each other for their performance, and it just so happens that the dance club and your glee club are chosen to collaborate together."

chanhee looked at him with wide eyes. "how come our adviser never told me that?" he asked him. chanhee felt betrayed. the information is really important but how come not a single club adviser notified him, the glee club's president?

"if you didn't know, mrs. jo is absent today. maybe she's gonna tell you tomorrow, but ms. han advised me to tell you as early as now, so we can start practicing right away."

chanhee only nodded in agreement. the new information is still sinking into his brain. the collaboration changes everything, the performance that chanhee is planning for the festival just disappeared like thin dust.

"i-i think we should already start planning, but i don't want to bother you more now." changmin sets off for the door, but stopped on his tracks and looked back. "uhm, i forgot to thank you yesterday for the milk so... thanks." he flashed him a bright smile. and then, he was gone.

"what the..."

"...fuck." he finished younghoon's sentence.

he felt younghoon shake his shoulders. "nyu! he knows my name! ji changmin knows me and likes the milk i'm giving him!"

chanhee snapped back to reality. "that isn't important right now, younghoon! everything i worked hard for this performance is wasted! what the hell."

younghoon gave him a shoulder massage, his fanboy self seems to have calmed down. "relax, nyu. you got this. you're a smart and great leader, i'm sure you'll get back on track again."

chanhee felt himself calm down at younghoon's words. "but chanhee..."


"can i join your club practices sometimes?" younghoon faced him and gave him puppy eyes that chanhee knows he can't reject.

"why? so you can support me?"

"no. so i can see changmin everyday now that you're gonna collaborate."

"...i hate you."

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