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"come on, chang! i can't believe you can't shoot even just a single ball."

changmin groaned as he try to throw another basketball to the ring. "shut the hell up, chan. you know i'm not athletic."

changmin didn't expect that chanhee will bring him to an arcade for their hang out. chanhee looks like the type of boy who spends his time either in the library, his friends' house, or in the glee club only.

chanhee just rolled his eyes and continued to whine. "but you're in the dance club! they're practically the same!"

"no, they aren't!" changmin sighed as he watch the timer run out. he looked at an annoyed chanhee and smiled sheepishly, raising both of his shoulders apologizingly.

"chang, you suck." chanhee said to him, but it's obvious that the pink-haired boy's words have no venom laced in it.

"it's not like you're any better than me, baby."

chanhee stopped making faces to the boy when he heard changmin's words. a faint blush crept across his cheeks until changmin laughed and pinched them. "just kidding, chan. let's go eat. i'm getting hungry." changmin held his pale hand and dragged him across the mall, looking for the perfect place to eat after spending a whole hour in the arcade.

they stopped infront of a pizza shop and went in, the smell of ovens and bread filling their noses. they immediately sat at one of the tables and chanhee volunteered to order for them, just to make up for the harmless insults he threw a while ago.

"i want the hawaiian one." changmin answered when chanhee asked him on what he should order for him.

chanhee scrunched his nose in disgust. "you like hawaiian? ew."

changmin just laughed and mimicked chanhee's nose scrunch (a/n: kinda like how sunwoo mimicked chanhee's nose scrunch ending pose for ddd) and it is very obvious that the frail boy was very insulted.

"i do not look like that!" he stormed off to the counter and changmin giggled, mentally reminding himself to apologize to the boy when he returns.

chanhee arrived a few minutes after, holding out a medium-sized pizza box that is divided into two flavors; hawaiian and pepperoni, in one hand and a large bottle of cola in the other. changmin immediately took the bottle from the boy's hand, seeing chanhee suffer from all the weight he's carrying.

they both dig in to the food as they share stories about what happened to their days. changmin talked about getting scolded by his teacher for sleeping in class, while chanhee whined about how annoying younghoon is (as usual).

"oh! you have some hot sauce at the side of your lips." changmin placed a finger in the right side of his lips to signal chanhee where the sauce is. chanhee tried wiping the sauce with his tongue, but changmin laughed and told him it's on the other side. chanhee rolled his eyes and tried removing the sauce, but before he can remove it, changmin leaned into the table and wiped the sauce off with a napkin.

"there! it's gone." he said happily.

it's cliché.

fucking cliché.

chanhee has seen and read this situation hundreds— no, thousands of times. he always thought of this as cringey and not even romantic. but now that he experienced it himself, he can't help but curse mentally as he felt his face slowly becoming red and hot. and it's not because of the large amount of hot sauce he consumed, but it's because of the interaction that he and changmin had. the interaction that he always deemed as overdramatic and cliché.

"hey, chan? are you okay?" chanhee was brought back into conciousness and looked at changmin's worried voice.

"i'm fine." he smiled awkwardly. "so where were we?"

changmin giggled. "as i was saying, eric had enough of juyeon's stupidness and smacked him in the head! you cannot imagine how hard hyunjoon and i laughed that day! if you could just see the look on juyeon's face, oh god!"

changmin laughed at his own story, and chanhee awkwardly copied him. he still hasn't move on from what just happened a while ago. it's fucking cliché, but he fell for it anyways.

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