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younghoon sighed as he took another sip from the champagne bottle he got from his dad. even though he is already of legal age, drinking alcohol is still bad. but he couldn't help but drink after what happened at the café a few hours ago.

he must admit, he was a complete jerk back there, but you can't blame him. chanhee, his bestfriend, literally betrayed him. he knew what younghoon feels about changmin and yet he still let himself fell for changmin.

knocks on his room's door were heard and he just muttered a short 'come in', thinking that the person knocking must be one of their maids.

"hyung?" jaehyun's face peeped through the door. "can i come in?"

younghoon forced a smile. "i said 'come in', didn't i?"

"you did? oh, sorry." jaehyun said as he entered younghoon's room. he sat comfortably on the bed, facing younghoon who is seated on the single sofa placed in front of his bed.

"what brings you here?" younghoon asked jaehyun, though he already has an idea why jaehyun came.

jaehyun sighed. "i heard about what happened earlier."

"you did?" younghoon chuckled. "the news spreads so fast, huh?"

"it is, but it's not important. hyung, why did you act like that back there?"

younghoon took another sip. "because i was hurt. jaehyun, i acted like a bitch because i felt angry and betrayed."

"but it still doesn't give you the right to act like that. you still caused pain to chanhee, your bestfriend who was with you for 10 years. your bestfriend who never wanted to hurt you and always cares for you."

younghoon felt his blood rise. is he seriously hearing those kind of words again?

"look, i'm tired of hearing these 'chanhee didn't intend to hurt you' and 'you're the bad guy, not chanhee' bullshits. why is everyone only understanding chanhee's side? just because he looks more angelic than me doesn't mean that he didn't do anything wrong. jaehyun, chanhee made a mistake too! he let himself fall, he stole the boy i like from me. why am i the only one getting all the blame?" younghoon let go of the bottle he's holding to wipe away a tear that escaped his eye.

jaehyun gulped. he did not expect his conversation with younghoon to be like this. he and chanhee had hoped for a calmer conversation with him than the conversation they had back at the café, but it seems like it won't be possible due to the alcohol in younghoon's system.

"he knows i like changmin, he knows how much i'm willing to die for him because i love him so much. he knows, yet he didn't care! he still let himself fall. sure, he did try to stop his feelings but at the end of the day, the two of them still got together while i was left at the side: sad, lonely and heartbroken as fuck."

younghoon couldn't help it anymore and let the tears flow from his cheeks. the pain he's feeling is so overwhelming. he just wants to let it all out.

"ah, shit. why am i crying? i'm not a crybaby, i'm not chanhee." younghoon said as he try to remove the never-ending tears coming out.

jaehyun felt something ache in his heart. he's hurting just by seeing younghoon be heartbroken. he stood up from where he was sitting and hugged the older. younghoon cried his heart out in jaehyun's shoulders. jaehyun felt his sleeves become wet, but he doesn't care. for him, what matters the most right now is to comfort younghoon and make him feel that he is not alone.

"you're not a crybaby. you can cry all night long, because i know you are also a victim here. you were just misunderstood." jaehyun rubbed younghoon's back in efforts of calming him down.

"it's so unfair. i found him first, i love him first, but why was chanhee the one who got him? i've been nice all my life, i never once did anything bad. don't you think i deserve to have a happy ending too?"

jaehyun did not say anything and instead just continued on calming down younghoon. he still kept on muttering words like 'it's so unfair' in between his sobs and everytime he says it, jaehyun can feel his heart break into pieces. he pities the boy too much.

"you'll get your happy ending too." jaehyun assured him.

he'll just talk to younghoon later or tomorrow. jaehyun knows that younghoon doesn't need to be scolded now because what he needs the most right now is comfort and a shoulder to lean on.

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