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"we should include a solo for you, chan!" changmin said, immediately writing down 'chanhee solo time!' on the paper.

chanhee rolled his eyes. "no thanks, chang. i prefer performing with someone beside me on the stage."

"but why?" changmin pouted. "you'll do great!"

how many days did it already passed since changmin and chanhee started meeting with each other for the upcoming performance? 3 days? right, it has been three days since the two started meeting each other at the school library to plan for their performance. they meet after class, and then part ways an hour or two later so it is no surprise that the two has gotten closer, so close to the point that they already have inside jokes and nicknames for each other: 'chan' for chanhee and 'chang' for changmin.

"then how about you perform with me?" chanhee suggested. "you dance, i sing. sounds good?"

changmin leaned into the table and looked directly in chanhee's eyes, thinking. the action made chanhee conscious and immediately look away. "hey chan, do you know how to dance?"

"i guess so?" chanhee hesitated, surprised by the sudden question. "why? do you have something in mind?"

changmin gave him a bright smile, a smile that chanhee finds himself enjoying whenever he sees it. "i can sing a little, so why don't we sing and dance together? just like what idols do?"

chanhee smiled at the thought. "you sure? i think that will be fun."

"it really is!" changmin lowkey screamed, earning a glare from the librarian and a laugh from chanhee.

"but the real question is, can we pull it off?" chanhee asked the younger, and changmin smiled and leaned closer to him.

"i know we can. because you're very talented chan, and i know you always do great at everything you do."

chanhee felt his cheeks blush at the boy's words, and he found himself beaming with happiness until the end of their discussion.

soon it was the time for the two of them to leave. the two boys stood up and fixed their bags. chanhee's bag is a big mess and he decided to clean it before leaving. changmin wanted to wait for him, but chanhee told him to leave without him.

"are you sure?" changmin asked. he doesn't want chanhee to leave alone, especially since it's already getting dark. he knows chanhee is weak physically, even though the boy looks very tough because of how he talks.

chanhee nodded. "i'm sure. see you tomorrow!" he waved changmin off.

changmin gave him an unsure smile. "well then. i'm going!" he mustered up all his courage and ruffled chanhee's hair, which caught the boy off guard.

for some reason, chanhee liked what the boy did but he doesn't know why. you see, chanhee might be smart when it comes to academics but he's dumb when it comes to other things, like love. when the thought that he likes changmin crossed his mind when he was thinking of a reason why he likes being around the younger, chanhee denied and shrugged it off. it's impossible. even if he tries stopping it, he knows he still likes younghoon, and younghoon only. he can't have a crush on his crush's crush.

besides, if ever he really likes changmin, it will still not be possible. who knows? changmin might not even be into guys. and if he even is gay and the two get together, it will break younghoon's heart.

'foolishness.' chanhee shook his head. 'this is what i get for not sleeping eight hours a day.'

seeing that it's already past the closing time, he hurriedly packed his bags and left the library, much to the librarian's delight.

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