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"this is my stop. thanks for dropping me off, chang." chanhee faced changmin and waved him goodbye.

the two just finished their "hang out" and decided to go home after spending three hours in the mall. it was getting late so changmin insisted on walking chanhee off, just to be sure that he goes home safe and sound.

"you're welcome." changmin smiled. "i'll get going too. see you tomorrow, chan!" changmin approached him and engulfed him into a little hug before walking away.

chanhee stared at the boy's retreating figure before looking away and going inside his house when it disappeared. he tiptoed his way to his bedroom quietly to not wake his sleeping parents up.

he laid in his bed and sighed. though his eyes are fluttering because he's getting sleepy, he stayed awake to organize the thoughts running inside his head.

he's confused. lately he's been feeling weird everytime he's with changmin. little interactions with the orange-haired boy will get his face all flushed up and his stomach churn. he doesn't know what's happening to him.

he knows it is not because he likes changmin. it's not possible. chanhee knows he still likes younghoon.

or does he? chanhee rose up from his bed. how can he be sure that he still likes younghoon? chanhee slapped himself for being so dumb and confused.

sighing, he reached for his phone in the table beside his bed and dialed a number that belongs to someone he can trust and depend on for decent advises.

"what's up?" the receiver on the phone greeted.

"sunwoo." chanhee inhaled. "i need your advise."

chanhee heard sunwoo chuckle on the other side. "you need my advise? but didn't you tell me the last time we talk that my advices are stupid and dumb?"

chanhee huffed. "sunwoo, did you already forgot that you fucking advised kevin to confess through memes and he followed you that's why he got rejected and cried non-stop for three whole days?"

"hey! it's not my fault that kevin followed me. it's also not my fault he likes boring girls."

"whatever." chanhee rolled his eyes. "i need some advice."

"what makes you think that i'll give you a pretty decent advice?"

"you're pretty mature for your age, plus you're with haknyeon so i know you'll give me one base from experience."

"you need a love advice. ooh, i see how it is." sunwoo teased and chanhee fought the urge to hang up. "tell me everything."

and so chanhee told sunwoo everything that's been bothering him. it only took a couple of minutes, because chanhee already summarized everything and only told him the important parts.

he decided to talk to sunwoo because he knows that the younger is mature and reliable, even though he acts like an asshole most of the time. and he's the second person closest to him (the first one being younghoon, and chanhee can't just talk about his feelings for changmin with him). sunwoo is also in a relationship with changmin's clubmate haknyeon, making his words more trustable.

"chanhee, the answer is pretty simple. you like changmin." sunwoo concluded.

"impossible. i like younghoon."

"if you like him, then why are you so worried about whatever you feel for this changmin guy?"

chanhee stopped. sunwoo's right. why is he even curious? "i-i'm just confused and all."

"yeah, right." sunwoo snorted. "say... what is changmin like? describe him."

"well, uh, chang is a very talented person. he's a kind one too. he's the leader and ace of their dance club, but he can also sing a little. he looks good too. he has orange hair, is kinda skinny, has an average height, but he has that cute little dimple and bright smile. he's also a hard working student, even though he is always caught sleeping in class. but that's just because he is bu-"

"dude, enough! i was just asking for a few characteristics, not a whole fucking essay."

chanhee's lips made a flat line. "sorry, sheesh."

"and you're still doubting me when i say that you like him? nyu, you're whipped for him."

silence enveloped the two as chanhee tried to absorb sunwoo's words. "am i?"

sunwoo laughed. "people are right. a smart person really is dumb when it comes to love."

"well, i'm so sorry that i'm dumb, sunwoo." chanhee bit the inside of his cheek. "it's just that i don't have any experience."

"it's not even a real excuse." sunwoo sighed. "chanhee, you like him. don't you hear youself talking about him? you talk as if he's the most precious thing in the world. heck, i bet you're even smiling while talking about him a while ago. if you do not like him at all, then why are you feeling all giddy for him? why are you amazed and happy in everything he does?"

sunwoo continued, "you don't have feelings for younghoon anymore. i'm sure of that. the way you talk about him doesn't have the same enthusiasm than the times when you still like him. anyways, i'm hanging up. haknyeon's gonna call me anytime soon now. reflect on everything that happens whenever you're with him. if you still don't believe me, i don't care, but you need to realize your feelings for him yourself."

before chanhee can even respond, sunwoo hanged up on him. chanhee frowned and threw his phone to the side before lying down in his bed.

as much as he hates to admit it, sunwoo's words make sense. there's no point in denying it anymore, chanhee likes every interaction he and changmin share. he always feels butterflies in his stomach whenever their eyes meet. he admires everything about the boy; his dance, his smile and his personality. what's the point of denying it, when chanhee knows that he really is whipped for ji changmin?

well, shit.

choi chanhee has fallen for someone once again.

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