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chanhee closed his locker and looked at the time on his phone. 4:33 pm. just 27 more minutes before changmin and he talk to younghoon at the café nearby.

seeing chanhee so worried, changmin decided that they should just tell the news together to younghoon. changmin assured him that everything is going to be just fine, but he can't help but feel nervous. heck, he's about to tell his bestfriend the news that his crush and him are dating. chanhee can't imagine how hurt younghoon is gonna be later.

he exited their classroom and made his way to changmin's classroom. but he was stopped by a smiling younghoon in the hallways. "chanhee! changmin told me that he will meet me later at the café. i'm guessing you successfully convinced him. thank you, nyu. i owe you so much."

chanhee just nervously laughed. he tugged at the collar of his shirt. "yeah, about that..."

"chan!" chanhee spotted changmin running to him. he came from younghoon's back, so changmin doesn't know that chanhee is talking to younghoon.

changmin wasted no time and hugged chanhee the moment he approached the older boy. "i miss you!" he looked at chanhee when he noticed the boy did not hug him back. he saw chanhee staring behind him so he followed his gaze and his mouth unintentionally dropped when he saw younghoon behind him.

"oh. h-hi?"

younghoon recovered from the shock and tried his best to smile, even though he has many questions running on his head. "hi changmin!"

"um." chanhee cleared his throat. "should we go to the café now?"

"wait. you're going too?" younghoon asked him.

"i am." chanhee tried to laugh, but it came out awkward.

younghoon just pressed his lips together and nodded, walking first to the café. the couple followed him behind. chanhee kept on tugging changmin's sleeve, clearly nervous at what will be the outcome of their conversation later.

at the café, the couple sat beside each other and younghoon sat in front of them. younghoon's questions in his head increased because of their seating arrangment. he already has an idea about what they'll talk about in here, but he shrugged it off, still thinking positive.

"so, what are we gonna talk about?" younghoon asked changmin, smiling sweetly.

changmin just let out a small smile and placed his hand on top of chanhee's. younghoon saw it and let out a small 'oh'.
"i don't get what you're implying."

liar. younghoon clearly knows what changmin is implying. he just doesn't want to accept it.

"chanhee and i are dating now. so i hope you move on from me and find another person that will love you back. please do it so you don't end up getting more hurt."

"oh wow." younghoon laughed half-heartedly. "i am expecting this, but why do i still feel surprised and hurt?"

"expecting this?" chanhee can't help but voice his question out loud.

younghoon's sweet smile is no longer plastered on his face. instead, he wore a sarcastic smile as he look at his bestfriend. "i heard your conversation a few days ago with changmin, on how you became awkward with him and such. i did not intend to eavesdrop, i was just sleeping and woke up to the noise you two made, but i was intrigued when i suddenly heard you indirectly confess your feelings to changmin. chanhee, you're such a snake. i only asked you to help me get changmin and what you did is so much more."

chanhee gulped. he finally heard the words he's been fearing to hear from younghoon. "but younghoon, i did not mean to fall for him! i never expected myself to love him."

"you know what i feel for him, and yet you didn't stop yourself? that screams snake and hoe to me."

chanhee felt his throat become dry and his eyes sting. he wants to tell younghoon that he did not meant to fall for changmin, that he tried to stop his feelings so that he won't hurt younghoon. but it seems like chanhee's voice suddenly disappeared.

changmin noticed that chanhee is about to cry so he tightened his grip on chanhee's hands. "don't you think you're being too much? younghoon, he's still your bestfriend! he did try to stop his feelings, so that he won't hurt yo-"

"he tried, but his efforts weren't enough." younghoon cut him off. "at the end of the day, he still fell for you and betrayed me. he should have tried harder."

"i honestly don't get what made you choose him-" younghoon looked at chanhee and chanhee just avoided his gaze. "-over me. i mean, i am so much better than chanhee. if we were food, i'm a six-course meal while this bitch is just burnt toast."

chanhee is very shocked at how younghoon is acting right now. he couldn't take it anymore and cried. it's not younghoon who he's facing now. it's a whole different person. is this what failure to be loved can do? change you into someone else and forget your friendship with your decade-old bestfriend?

"i really made the right decision to turn you down." changmin replied. "and just to let you know, chanhee is a million times better than you. that's why i chose him over you. and between the two of you, you're the bitch."

changmin stood up and chanhee followed him. "we want to talk it out with you calmly to not hurt your feelings, because that's what your bestfriend wants. but it seems that you're blinded by your emotions. i hope we can talk it out again next time but for now, you should probably apologise to chanhee."

younghoon scoffed. he crossed his arms as he leaned back into his chair. "i don't say sorry to people who betray me, especially if i didn't actually do anything wrong."

changmin is so close to punching younghoon but for the sake of his boyfriend, he refrained himself. he tried to regain his composure and sighed. "fine, suit yourself. we'll get going now." changmin and chanhee exited the café, not minding the stares the other customers have been giving them since a while ago.

younghoon rolled his eyes and gathered his things. he doesn't regret bursting out on chanhee. he deserves it. chanhee deserves to be hurt.

chanhee watched younghoon be inlove with changmin since the very start. chanhee watched him fall head over heels for the boy. he even helped younghoon try to get changmin. but what younghoon didn't know was that chanhee had other intentions that's why he decided to help him. "you did not play fair chanhee. you're such a snake." younghoon murmured as he watch changmin hug and comfort chanhee on the other side of the street through the café's windows.

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