28 ; epilogue

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"oh, you're still here. i thought you left already." jaehyun walked up to him.

he smiled and showed jaehyun the folders he's holding. "i gotta submit this to the school first to let them know that i'll be absent for a few months."

jaehyun sighed. "are you really gonna leave?"

"temporarily." he corrected him. "mom just needs me by her side right now."

he transferred his gaze to the room across from them. it was the dance club's room and the door is opened widely enough for him to see the two people inside.

"stop it, chang! ew, no!" chanhee laughed while changmin jokingly keeps on dancing to exo's the eve. he tries covering his eyes to stop himself from cringing but changmin kept on removing them.

he returned his attention to jaehyun. "and besides, going away seems to be the best decision for me right now."

"if you say so. by the way, are you still gonna... you know?"

"yeah. but i'll just do it through sns. i can't bear to face them both personally yet." he said and he fished out the phone in his jacket's pocket to show jaehyun the unsent message he is planning to send to chanhee the moment he gathered enough courage.

hey, chanhee. it's me. i just wanted to apologize for my actions last time. but i'm apologizing for that only. i still haven't forgive you, and i hope you understand. i can't even look at you face to face yet. but someday, maybe i can. just not today. also, even though it did not come sincerely from my heart, i wish you and changmin best wishes and i hope that you two will last long.

'til we meet again, 빵

the school bell rang, signaling the end of lunch break. he looked at jaehyun and smiled. "you should get back to class. i'll be on my way to the airport after i submit these."

"are you sure you don't need me to accompany you there?"

"i'll be fine on my own. i'll be back soon, so don't worry" he smiled and waved his free hand in front of jaehyun. "i'll get going now."

jaehyun reluctantly waved back at him.
"see you soon, younghoon."

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