The Sheep & The Lion

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This story takes place in the middle of no where and every where all at once
Just like the Universe this story faces a lot of Synchronization due to the balance of time.

Meet Chase
Chase is what you would call a sheep, everything is provided for him, His shelter, his food, his Wealth and his Transportation. Sheep don't know how to handle things on their own due to the Shepherds, they are never allowed in the wild. They are free and comfortable but to the shepherds whim. Chase has always been aware of this, he never had the courage to take control of his own life. Chase is okay with falling under the lines of conformity because of the horror stories he's heard about the wild. The stories about staying out past sunset.
The terrors that live beyond his home.
He's seen sheep leave the shelter provided by the shepherd but something in him has been telling him to wait for his moment when ever that is.

Meet Abel
Abel is what you call a Lion. Lions provide for themselves always chasing after what ever it is that they want with a fire bathed energy. Abel has never been one to ask for another's help even if he's needed to because he knows that in the end he has control over his own outcomes.
Abel has always been different from other Lions though. As lions like to feed on the sheep He likes to remind them that they too could be a Lion if they just remind themselves every day. He believes that anything is possible just as long has you have faith and you work towards it.
But something people fear about Lions is they will do anything and everything they can to get what they want.
Not all Lions are to be trusted because some of their egos are bigger than their soul purpose.

Now what happens when a sheep falls in love with a lion
Growth and success are Two steps away from Danger and Death

Is love real for these two ?

Authors note
Okay so that wasn't really a chapter
That was just introducing the main characters and the plot of the story
Love is Dangerous but it also sets your soul free.
Don't forget to read the first chapter
-Chrissy xo

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