23. Youth

51 15 1

Good songs for this chapter

Youth - Daughter

Fruit - Abra

Drift - Daughter

Pull up - Abra

Xo Chrissy

-Benevolence is only shown in the light by those who really want to fight

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-Benevolence is only shown in the light by those who really want to fight.

Chases Pov

October 13th
7:27 Pm

The acid starts to hit its first peak as we make our way down the ladder with 2 beers in each of us at least.

The ground seems so much further down than it probably actually is causing my heart to race the moment I take my first step on to the ladder.

The incoming sounds of the cars driving in the not so far distance is making it even harder to focus on making sure I don't fall off this poorly built, rusty ass ladder.

"You're almost down" Abel says from beneath me.

Yeah no shit Abel

A smile appears on his face as if he's trying to cover his laughter.

The way they explained this telepathic ability is in my mind, and it makes so much sense how he has always matched my thought pattern with his words, I have to decide who I'm channeling my thoughts towards that way no one is intruding.

I make it all the way down stumbling a little on my feet when I land on the ground.

"See that wasn't so hard" Alex let's out

I stare at him

He throws his hands in the air

"Truce, shit" he lets out in a dramatic tone causing the group to laugh.

It feels good getting along with the lot of them for once, but somewhere deep inside I know things won't be so cliche for long.

Chills rush down my body the more I think about being on Echos bad side in this moment.

Yeah I'd rather it not be like that right now.

"I seen a Psychic shop right next to House of intuition if you guys don't mind waiting till I get my cards read" I let out as we walk out of the upper corridor.

The sound of our steps bouncing off the walls.

As we make our way to the stairs Abel reaches his hand out for me to grab it as we make our way down.

Echo glances at him but shrugs it off as she continues down the stairs

Maybe she realizes he's tripping and he can't really prevent his actions from happening.

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