11. Discontent

51 19 0

Authors note

Good songs for this chapter

The Lakes - James Vincent

No care - Daughter

Crosses - Jose Gonzales

I wanna be adored - The stone roses

Enjoy xoxo


- Impulses can lead to an Overdose

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- Impulses can lead to an Overdose

September 19th
8:44 Am

An alarm is heard in the distance of my dream and I wake up.

I'm not in my bed.

I don't know where I am actually.

I look to the right of me and my eyes meet the porcelain skinned boy from last night.

And that's when I'm reminded


I'm at echos house.

My head is pounding.

I reach for my phone that is still going off.

7:57 Am

It's my dad


"Hello" I answer with a raspy morning voice

"What the fuck" he yells from the other line causing my head to pound harder.

"I've been trying to contact you all morning" he says

"You should've texted me" he says.

"Sorry dad, I ended up getting drunk and crashed here" I say into the line.

"I thought you had a designated driver" he questions



Is he still here ?

I'll be stuck here if he isn't.

"He uh, got drunk too" I say

My dad sighs into the phone

"Get home safe" he says and then hangs up abruptly.

I rub my eyes and then look at;

I think his name was Alex.

He's shirtless.

I am too.

My mind is spinning.

What the fuck happened last night.

I remember dancing with him, maybe we came up here after.

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