43. Falls

25 11 0

Authors note

This chapter will be jumping around Quite frequently.

Good songs for this chapter

Eastern sea - Jordan Critz

Woman - 1975


-Watering gates await your flood of emotions

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-Watering gates await your flood of emotions.

Narrator's POV
May 15th
12:44 Pm

Sometimes there's a moment when a shiny glimmer of hope beams through and saves the day, a moment where all seems not lost, that everything turned out the way it did for a bigger purpose some say even a bigger lesson, but for Chase, this is anything but one of those moments.

The audience all gasping in shock with a few whispers coming from the crowd about who he might actually be.

Chase trying not to focus on any of it by keeping his eyes glued on the vomit that lies before him.

Echo's face is in disgust and Abel seems even a little taken a back.

Chase stands there holding his stomach afraid to look up and find Lucifers glare on him.

He's afraid to look Abel in the eyes as he knows he's just embarrassed him in front of the entire weddings guest.

Lucifer: Well, no need for standing around, we have a reception to attend.

Lucifer looks at a few of the weddings help signaling them to clean up Chases left overs.

Abel wants to run over and give Chase a reassuring hug that everything is okay but the hundred of eyes on him are only making this situation much harder to process.

Chase's cheeks becoming damp from the tears that started moments ago.

Echo: The reception will start in the house as this mess, will be taken care of.

The guest get out of their seats and make their way into the house Lucifer and Aphrodite behind them.

Echo pulls up her dress marching her way over to Chase

Echo: Are you trying to ruin my wedding because if so, I will end you Chase Harrington.

Abel steps forward in chases defense.

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