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Authors note

Good songs for this chapter

Eyes in the sun - Florist

Crucial plot details

Enjoy xoxo


-The Devil is near

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-The Devil is near

September 18th
10:33 Am

Walking back into my house i let all the tension I was carrying with me the whole day out of my system.

There's been this feeling of familiarity when I meet guys but this was brand new.

The warmth could've brightened up my darkest night.

I know a lot of people have formed opinions on relying on others for being that light.

But is it relying on others or is it simply finding a new bulb to help keep the light shining.

But my light hasn't dimmed yet

And neither has his.

There for replacement isn't due

There for

Conversation didn't take place

There for I didn't ask him for his number

There for we are not following each other on Twitter

There for I need to keep shining my fucking light

Look at me

Stuck in my head about a guy I didn't even talk to.

I let out a sigh and step into my room throwing my bag on the floor.

I head towards my dresser placed in the left corner of my room.

I grab the black sage on it and start to burn it.

I've been having psychedelic blockages and what I mean by that is I can't remember the last time I remembered a dream.

I had a dream journal but I haven't written in it in awhile and once this black sage helps me to remember my dreams, I will have a dream journal on the side of my bed every night.

I'm pretty sure most of you know this, but not a single fucking person knows where dreams come from.

They just come to us, they are there for a fucking reason and I promise you if you don't remember your dreams, THAT DOES NOT mean you don't have dreams.

There is a blockage in your remembrance , and there are many ways to clear that blockage.

Black sage being one of them.

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