50. Amsterdamned

30 11 1

Final Chapter

Good songs for this chapter

Amsterdam - Daughter

Born to die - Lana Del Rey

The shallows - Daughter

Enjoy xoxo


- An eternity has no end

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- An eternity has no end

Narrator's POV
June 20th
5:55 Am

The soft sun rays peek through the curtains, causing the already awoken Chase to squint his eyes, the thought of running away to Amsterdam with Abel has been heavy on his mind causing him to toss and turn in the bed not allowing him to get any sleep, but he shrugs this tired feeling figuring he'd just get some sleep on the plane, he rolls over in his covers his eyes landing on the already packed suit case that sits in the corner of the room.

Chase sighs , still unsure of how he's going to let his father know what exactly is going on, or wether or not he should even tell him.

A few more minutes go by before Chase decides to finally pull himself out of the bed, ready to face the catalyst decision that both him and Abel have made, to run away and never look back.

The time reading 6:00 Am as Chases foot presses against the ground. He rolls his eyes as he makes the way to his restroom, a feeling of freedom lies deep within him and he knows it sounds wrong but part of him is just excited to get away and get a new chance to start over with Abel, A new chance at life with the man he has learned to slowly but utterly and effortlessly fall in love with.

He brushes his hand through his hair staring directly into the mirror when he hears a light tap on the door only to hear it crack open seconds after.

He steps out of the restroom to come across a shirtless Abel standing in the half open door frame.

Chase: Well, are you going to come in ?

He whispers, due to the time

Abel smirks, taking a few more steps into the room before closing the door.

He looks at Chases suit case lying in the corner of the room and then at Chase.

He approaches chase taking his hand within his own

Abel: We're really doing this

Chase looks him in his eyes bringing Abel much needed reassurance.

Chase: We are.

Abel smiles before bringing his free hand behind the back of chases neck pulling him in for an energetic embrace, reminding him no matter what, they are always going to have this feeling between them right here and right now for the rest of their lives, no matter how the future guides them, both of their souls refuse to look at or choose any other person, in this life and the next, and that is the real importance of what holds them so strongly together, they've found their missing puzzle piece in one another, they don't see the point of ever letting anyone else make them let that go, so yes they are running away from their problems but they are running away together to create a new life, to start over and give themselves the life that they both know they deserve with one another.

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