33. Secrecy and Sorcery

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Yuhhh get into it

Good songs for this chapter

Darkest Hour - Sevedalzia

New gods - Grimes

Enjoy xoxo Chrissy


-power is a dangerous thing

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-power is a dangerous thing.

7:07 Pm

There's an ominous feeling as each guest slowly arriving filling the empty chairs.

A feeling of animosity hitting Chase as each guest who walks by him eyes him down, whispering amongst themselves as if chase can't notice.

Most of them being older, Actually all of them except for those who were already here.

Once the final few guest take their seats the candles set up in the dining room go dim bringing a strange feeling.

The two main doors bursting open revealing Lucifer and Aphrodite as they make a march into the hall.

Aphrodites dress is similar to Echos with the lacing but the train is unbelievably long, leaving everyone in the room in awe.

Aphrodite is pure excellence and there's never a moment she won't show it.

They make their walk towards the end of the large table; Lucifer pulling the chair out for Aphrodite like a gentleman.

Before taking a seat he grabs the wine glass placed on the table lifting it in the air.

The guest follow him, chase being the slowest due to this being his first "Family dinner"

Lucifer: Thank you to everyone who can come tonight, tonight is very important, not only is it Thanksgiving, but we also have a new (he throws his free hand up to make quotations) family member, Chase Harrington. (He points his glass towards Chase)

The guest do the same causing Chase to raise an eyebrow at Abel

Abel's face is frozen, he's not in control of what Lucifer is about to reveal, there's no way in stopping this moment from happening ; his body tensing up at the thought.

Echo giggles as she watches in amusement.

Emerald looks at chase with eyes of sadness, she's afraid he's about to look at all of them differently after.

Lucifer: You see chase, we've been waiting for this moment long before you were brought into this world, Hermes.

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