Chapter one

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Some people stressed before their assignment tests. Ashton wasn't one of those people. At 18, everyone took an assignment test. A test that determined whether they would be a dom or sub. If your partner was younger than you then you'd have to wait until they were 18 to find out who it was, or, you'd meet your soulmate straight away if they were older than you.

Some people just knew whether they were a dom or a sub, before the test, others had no clue about their position. Ashton knew he was a dom. He was tall, just a fraction below being 6ft, and well built. He was solid, had a lot of muscle mass. With no father, he was a natural protector for his mother and two younger siblings. He looked after them. With all his confidence, protective instincts and firm but calm nature, there was no question in anyone's mind that he would be a dom.

He strolled comfortably inside the building of the government's Department of Fate and Destiny (DFD). The government didn't decide your position or soulmate, they just enacted it -like a subcontractor if you will. It's hard to know exactly who, or better yet what, does control things; the universe just knew. Ashton kept his head high, despite the slight pang in the back of his mind from the knowledge that -as a dom- the chances of his partner being older than him were quite rare. It was anyone's guess as to when he would get to meet his sub.

"Welcome to the Department of Fate and Destiny, can I please see some photo I.D.?" The lady behind the counter asks and Ashton is quick to pass over his license. "Oh? Happy birthday. Eager to be assigned I see." She comments, given people have up to six months after their 18th birthday to register with the DFD.
"Yeah, although as a dom I probably won't get to meet my soulmate for a bit." Ashton replies keenly.
"You seem very sure of yourself." The lady hums as she continues to enter information into the computer.
"I am." Ashton says firmly. The woman behind the counter has her doubts but doesn't say anything. After a moment's more of filling in information about Ashton, the computer gives her the answer to the question everyone wants to know about themselves. She purses her lips.

"You're very sure of your position?"
"Yes. Why?" Ashton raises his eyebrows defensively.
"I'll be back in a moment, please take a seat." She gestures to some plastic chairs behind where Ashton was standing and gets up from her desk, disappearing into an office somewhere. Ashton huffs and sits down.

Ashton knew he was a dom. He guided and protected people, it was what he felt most comfortable doing. He would not submit to someone, not in a relationship at least. Sure he followed orders from people above him like teachers and his mother, but that was just because he was a good kid.

"Ashton Irwin?" Ashton looks up at the call of his name. It was a woman, slightly older than the one from behind the counter, standing next to the one from the counter. They were stood in the doorway of a room Ashton hadn't noticed before. Ashton sees something like a smug smirk flash across the older woman's face momentarily but it's gone so quick he dismisses it.
"Yes?" Ashton asks, standing up from his seat and approaching the women. He sees the slightest flash of that same smug emotion on the older woman's face again.
"Please come in, we'd just like to have a quick chat with you." The older woman smiles professionally and leads him into a conference room.

"My name is Irma, this is Elyse. Please sit down, relax." The older lady, Irma, says and Ashton sits as instructed. "Now, Ashton," She begins, glancing at his file, "you must be aware that the department never makes mistakes. For we don't even control the outcomes or any results."
"Yes, of course. Is there something wrong with my results?"
"No, and that's precisely why we'd like to talk to you."
"Is my sub older than me?" Ashton asks suddenly. He knew it could happen, it just rarely did.

Irma takes a deep breath. "What qualities of a dom do you think you have?" Ashton is confused, they shouldn't be questioning him if they already know his position. Still, Ashton didn't question them.
"Well. I have a naturally calming and protective nature. I look after the people around me, think of their needs." Irma hums.
"Would you say that you would know how to discipline a submissive?"
"Of course. However each sub is different and so I would need to understand the likes and dislikes of my sub before knowing what methods of discipline would work."
"So you'd expect your submissive to guide you?" Ashton furrows his eyebrows at the question.
"In a way."
"One final question, if you were to have a safeword what would it be?"
"Red." Ashton says, barley allowing a beat to pass. "I'm a bit of a traditionalist."

"Yes I can see that," Irma hums with a small smile, sitting up a little straighter. "Call the dom." Irma whispers to Elyse, who nods and leaves the room. Irma keeps her eyes on Ashton, who hears the instruction but doesn't say anything.
"Did you hear that? You didn't make a comment." Irma asks, clasping her hands together on the table and gesturing to what she told Elyse.
"Yes." Ashton blushes a little. "I didn't think it was my place to say anything." Irma sighs. A dom would never say that. A dom would question things a lot more than this. A dom wouldn't say they needed their submissive to guide them. A dom would never come up with a safe word, even hypothetically, that's always for the submissive only to decide. A dom wouldn't be so compliant.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin," Irma pauses, "you are a submissive." Ashton doesn't move. He is conpletely frozen.
"I- no- it's-" He feels his breathing become more erratic. Irma refrains from rolling her eyes. This is typical submissive behaviour.
"Ashton please take deep breaths." Ashton looks at her and looks terrified. This was not how he was expecting anything to happen.
"So the dom you told Elyse to call?"
"Yours, yes. They will be here shortly."

A/N: Here we goooooo! Chapter one has arrived. I'm super excited for this fic and I can't wait to see how it develops and how you all react to it.

I'll do one or two chapters a week, the more you guys want chapters the more I'll give you. Sorry I guess?

Please vote, comment and share that would be fantastic I love you all princes and princesses see you next week if not sooner :)

-Grace Williams xo

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