Chapter one hundred and eighteen

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Crystal arrives at day one of the appeal case before Michael and Luke do, texting them the reassurance that there were no paparazzi at the courthouse. It seemed that it was not yet public knowledge, and for that everyone was grateful. Luke insists they stop by the coffee shop on the way, so Kaykay and Max -who was covering his shift- could give him the reassurance that he needs and a solid ristretto to get him through the day. Michael decides to get an extra shot of coffee.

"Good morning," Crystal smiles when they arrive, already on the job of staying positive.
"Good morning." Michael gives a tight lipped smile, an arm around Luke's waist and two security guards following behind.
"Morning." Luke mumbles, too nervous to hold up a conversation.
"I've mentioned that this will be a much longer process than the tribunal, not a lot is likely to happen today. We'll get a feel for things though." Crystal explains.
"A feel for what?" Michael queries.
"The judges sympathies, how long it's likely to go for, just the best way to approach it really." She shrugs. "Obviously I have a lot planned but there's many ways I could take it, today is about establishing the best angle."

They're called into the courtroom a little after 9am and Michael and Luke are confused in under a minute. The security sit a row behind them and Crystal looks comfortable and confident as she talks to the judge. The morning is just endless short explanations and quotations of legal documents, setting up the logistics of the case. By lunchtime Crystal looks fired up and full of adrenaline.

"I have a good feeling about this." Crystal hums as they walk down the street to a small café for lunch.
"That's reassuring." Michael comments, holding Luke's hand tightly.
"I'm still not completely sure where the judge's weakness lies but I'm still getting good vibes from them."
"Judges aren't supposed to have weaknesses." Luke furrows his eyebrows as they sit at a table.
"But they're human, they all do." Crystal points out.

The two security guards join them for lunch but halfway through start to seem distracted. They make eyes at each other and one stands up and walks out the front.
"Is everything okay?" Michael frowns.
"We-" the guard still at the table starts, only to be cut off by the other talking to him through his ear piece. "We may have to call for backup, do we have your blessing to do so?"
"Of course but- what's happening?" Michael answers, rubbing Luke's firm and small belly in an effort to comfort the already stressed boy. Luke rests his head on his dom's shoulder but doesn't say anything.
"There may be paparazzi. We have to wait and see how the situation develops, whether it grows."

Michael tenses, already feeling sick at the thought of what could happen. Paparazzi has already gotten to him and Luke once before and he hated every second of it.
"Should we leave now? Get back inside the court as quickly as possible?" Michael gulps.
"I think that would be best." The guard says reluctantly, eyes flicking over to the window and surveying the area.

Michael stands up, keeping a hold on his sub. Luke presses himself further into his dom.
"Thanks for your email." Michael mutters to Crystal as the make their way to the exit.
"Don't mention it." The faux blonde brushes off, not having said anything since security brought up their worries.

Everyone's worst nightmares are met when they reach the courthouse. There's a flurry of reporters, apparently looking for Michael and/or Luke. Their disinterest vanishes the moment they catch sight of their targets. They're all yelling about Luke and a relationship contract but security keeps Michael, Luke and Crystal together and manages to get them inside the building quick enough. The full press gallery is the elephant in the room as they all re-enter the courtroom and Luke whips out his phone as soon as he sits down.

Luke - Sierra: The paps found out and now there's heaps at court this is terrifying

Sierra - Luke: :((( I wish there was something I could do but you can do this let me know if you need anything

Luke - Sierra: :(

"Welcome back to the Supreme Court, where we are hearing an appeal on the decision made in an administrative tribunal in regards to the request that an exception be made to the legal requirement that both parties signing a relationship contract must be at least eighteen years of age." The judge starts formally before loosening up and letting out the least reassuring chuckle Michael has ever heard. "It seems we have a few new faces since this morning."

The afternoon has more action than the morning but it's still relatively dull. Crystal has done the odd case of public interest but this one takes the cake. She specialises in contract law and whilst that ranges from relationship contracts to cooperate contracts to copyright and everything in between, it rarely attracted a crowd. She took a deep breath before launching into another spiel. Her nerves eased over time and that's for the best because she knows that the press will only get more relentless as this drags on.

Michael and Luke sit as they did in the morning, close to each other and attentive even if they didn't understand everything that was going on. Michael knows his phone is going crazy with text messages as they sit there and some of them are undoubtedly his parents. He contemplates setting his phone on fire entirely in a bid to avoid yet another moment of confrontation with his parents. The thought that they want to give Michael their opinion on his relationship for the umpteenth time is migrainous.

The judge dismisses the court just after 3pm and makes clear that Crystal can start formally presenting her case from 9:30am the following day. Crystal nods curtly and then breaks away as soon as she can, knowing she has a lot to prepare for before tomorrow morning.

Jeanette - Michael: I've ensured more security are regular. Let me know if there's anything else I can do.

A/N: things are so hectic and spicy buttttt this is the last week of updates! Next Sunday is the final chapter! Then I'll have extra pieces and things, including the character ask, to deliver throughout the month of April/until I'm ready to start posting the sequel.

My plan at this stage is to post the character ask on Sunday the 12th of April so please say/ask what you would like to by Friday the 10th of April. Lots of love :)

-Grace Williams xo

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