Chapter eighty three

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Luke, Michael, Maggie and Carla are all at Calum and Ashton's new house to inspect it; give their opinion. They all like it and the modest direction it goes in compared to their last house. It's a casual Sunday lunch affair, where Carla and Luke -the two people they were worried about- were getting along just fine. They weren't talking directly to each other much but in a group of six it was easier to coexist.

"You should tell the story of how you met my mum." Luke giggles, snuggling into his doms chest and looking at him fondly.
"Oh," Michael blushes, the others looking on curiously. "Wait, fuck." Michael hisses suddenly.
"What is it?" Luke frowns, sitting up a little and twisting his neck.
"I haven't told my parents yet." Michael mumbles.
"You-" Luke gasps.
"You haven't told them at all?" Calum wheezes.

"No." Michael groans ashamedly. "It's not like I told them when Luke and I first got together, and then since we found out about the pregnancy I just haven't even thought of it."
"I wanna meet them." Luke says determinedly.
"I-" Michael starts, only to be cut off my Calum.
"No you don't."
"Why not?" Luke furrows his eyebrows.
"My parents are very... conservative when it comes to relationships." Michael replies hesitantly. Luke doesn't miss the way Carla presses herself closer to Maggie.

"Conservative how?" Ashton gulps, knowing he'll probably meet them at one point or another as well.
"They don't like, as one example, that Carla's older than me." Maggie interjects, holding Carla tight and reassuringly.
"But how could you possibly control that?" Ashton blanches.
"I should clarify that they're only conservative when it comes to relationships, they're not racist or climate change deniers or anything."
"Look, that's great, but the issue right now is that you accidentally got a 17 year old pregnant." Luke gripes.
"It'll all be fine baby." Michael tries to soothe him.
"What? Don't? They? Like?" Luke presses.

"Any sex outside of a soulmate pairing, the sub being bigger, the sub being older, sex between people of the same status, soulmates that break up, relationships that aren't strict, submissives that aren't especially submissive, dominants that aren't especially dominant, sex outside of marriage, pregnancy outside of marriage... Oh and tattoos." Calum lays it all out, knowing Michael's not ballsy enough to. Michael sighs and hangs his head low. It sounds worse when it's said out loud like that.
"So they have a reason to hate every one of us... but it'll be fine because they're not racist or stupid enough to object to science." Luke rolls his eyes bitterly.

"You're right though... I think it'd be good for you to meet them sooner rather than later." Michael says hesitantly.
"And what exactly do we tell them? The truth that they'll condemn us for or pure lies?" Luke purses his lips.
"Half truths? We're soulmates and we haven't told them sooner because we've just been kept up in the whirlwind of it all. No lies but not the whole truth." Michael suggests weakly.
"Am I not pregnant?" Luke raises an eyebrow sassily.
"We have to tell them that. Otherwise they'll do the maths when you give birth and realise we lied."
"And they won't think any of it when I turn 18 next year?" Luke snaps.
"We can cross that bridge later. They'll have a much harder condemning us after we've been together nearly a year and given them a grandchild."
"So only you get to decide what bridges we cross, even though we have to cross them together. That's fucking marvellous!" Luke all but yells sarcastically. "Need I remind you that I'm the one who's going to be condemned."

Luke storms out of the room and Michael swallows thickly as four sets of eyes bore into him. Luke crosses the open plan living and kitchen, exiting out the side door and going down the outside stairs to sit on the grass. He can't believe that he and Michael's first fight happened in front of Calum, Ashton, Maggie and Carla -and in Calum and Ashton's house no less. He thinks he understands how embarrassed Carla would have felt after her safeword now.

"Why don't you tell us about how you met Luke's mother?" Maggie says softly to try and diffuse the tension.
"And just leave him alone?" Michael asks unsurely.
"Well you're the one who knows him best but I think he wants space right now so-" She tries to explain.
"I'll go talk to him." Carla cuts in.
"Are you sure?" Michael frowns, all of the doms looking a little worried by the idea.
"I promise it'll be fine, and if it's not, I'll come back up and leave him." Carla reassures them.
"Car-" Maggie tries, this time being cut off by Ashton.

"I think she should go." His voice wavers a little but he goes on. "Even though we didn't know each other that well, still don't really, she's still been super helpful for me to talk to. Just because of her experience and knowledge as a submissive."
"I'll be back soon." Carla kisses her dom on the lips, knowing that they're all convinced. She sends Ashton a grateful look on her way out and thinks fondly about how strong Ashton and Calum have become.

"So uh, the story." Michael chuckles awkwardly. "Basically I went looking for a lawyer and because of the way the company was set up and how he introduced himself, didn't realise it was Luke's mum. He worked it out when I explained the issue."
"That's pretty funny," Calum laughs. "Did you impress him or is he mad you knocked up his underage son?"
"He wasn't too bothered. Understood that it at least equally came from Luke, definitely doesn't think I took advantage of him or anything. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if he did think that."
"Well that's a good thing then. Do you have a new lawyer now?" Maggie shrugs.
"Yeah. Her name's Crystal and she's done a lot of paternal fights and family law and relationships, I think she'll be really good."

"So it's all gonna work out then. I think today shows that a contract is really necessary, hopefully it doesn't take too long for you to get one legalised." Maggie says positively.
"And the silver lining Luke's mum pointed out is that we get to be with our soulmate for longer. That's a blessing that I'm trying to appreciate."

A/N: ooh drama hehe love y'all

-Grace Williams xo

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