Chapter thirty one

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"Good morning. Time to wake up sunshine." Calum nudges Ashton lightly, delivering a good morning kiss but keeping it closed mouth because of morning breath.
"I'm not used to getting up this early for school." Ashton mumbles, wrapping himself up tighter in the blankets.
"It's 6:30, it's not that early," Calum rolls his eyes. "Besides, I'm early to bed and early to rise person which means you are now too." Ashton just pokes his head up and frowns at his dom.

"Come on. Breakfast. Then we shower. Then leave by 7:15." Calum says, leaving no room for argument before walking out of the room and walking downstairs. Ashton pouts a little before reluctantly throwing the warm doona off his body and trudging down to the kitchen.

"I'm sure you remember from last week what I normally have for breakfast." Calum quips, getting out the things for porridge as Ashton sits unmoving on the other side of the kitchen island.
"Healthy things." The submissive grumbles.
"Yes," Calum laughs, "but same as then you don't have to have it because you're not used to it. I'm not buying you Nutri-grain but that doesn't I'll force you to eat anything. This is a learning and growing process for us both."

Ashton settles on a banana and a muesli bar, knowing he'll get his real kick once he has his coffee -even if that's not till 7:30. Calum happily eats his porridge with a side of green juice, adamant he'll have Ashton hooked within a week.
"Could I just," Ashton asks as they're walking back upstairs to shower, "buy Nutri-grain myself?"
"Ashton." Calum says firmly, making the boy in question stop at the top of the stairs and shrink in on himself. "I'm not trying to restrict anything you do but please try to give this healthy eating a try. Your mind and body will thank you."
"Okay." Ashton mumbles, pouting a little.
"I believe in you. Now go shower and I'll leave your uniform in your wardrobe." Calum reassures him with a kiss, sending him into his room rather than where he sleeps with his dom because neither en-suite has a double shower. Though even if one did Calum's not quite sure they would be ready for that.

"How do you feel Sweetheart?" Calum asks as Ashton steps out from his room post shower in his 'uniform'.
"I don't mind it... but it'll take some getting used to." Ashton replies, squirming a little from the tightness and rigidity. It's a pair of simple navy pants and blazer along with a marle grey skivvy and brown loafers, plus a light grey overcoat given it's the end of July.
"Well you look adorable." Calum gushes. "As you can see your colours are grey and navy, when it's warmer you can change the shirt to something lighter, in colour and fabric."
"Thank you." Ashton blushes a little.

"You've got all your books and things, your new laptop? Ready to go?" Calum queries as they walk to the garage, acting a little bit like a parent on their kids first day of school.
"Yep." Ashton grins, "I'm excited for this."
"I'm so glad to hear that." Calum replies, kissing Ashton over the middle console before reversing out and driving to the office.

"Good morning!" Maggie claps excitedly, jumping up from her desk when she sees Calum and Ashton step out of the lift.
"You're chirpy this morning." Calum snorts.
"It's not everyday we have someone new around here. And we're alone on this floor. I'm excited to have the company." She quips back, making Ashton blush a little.
"Ouch." Calum says, grabbing his chest and feigning hurt.

"Now, show us this classroom/office you made yesterday." Calum says as he puts his coat up and grabs the coffee that was waiting on his desk.
"I want coffee." Ashton pouts as they walk down the corridor.
"You can go downstairs before you start work but just tell Maggie your order and in future there can be one waiting on your desk every morning as well."
"Absolutely. Even if you're like me and change your order every day, just text me 15 minutes before hand and I'll have it done. Now," Maggie smiles, swinging open a door at the end of the corridor.

"This was conference room number 5, the smallest, and we never used it anyway so now it's yours. I wasn't sure what you'd need so I just filled the desk up with basic stationary. On the phone you can dial 1 to be directed to Calum's desk, 2 for his mobile, 3 for my desk or 9 for security." Maggie explains as they all step into the room, which may have been smaller than the other four conference rooms but it still wasn't small.
"What do you think Sweets?" Calum hums as he wraps his arms around Ashton from behind.
"It's gonna take some getting used to but I like it." Ashton smiles, happily sinking a little into his dom's comforting hold.

"That's what I like to hear. How about you do two hours of work, take a twenty minute break, another two hours, take a forty minute break for lunch, then another two hours? That's just like school?" Calum suggests.
"Yeah... I can change it up if I want right? Have more flexibility?" Ashton asks.
"Of course. Just don't work for more than two hours without a break." Calum answers firmly.
"Okay. I guess... I guess I should start then?"
"Go grab your coffee, settle in. It's all gonna be okay." Calum says whilst they all walk out of Ashton's new office.

"Use your card you got yesterday and then come back and set everything up how you like. The office is yours and we can fill it however you want." Calum smiles, kissing Ashton on the cheek before watching him go into the lift and turning to his office with a sigh. "This is all so surreal Mags."
"Good surreal?"
"I think so... I'm excited to have him around. Living with him feels good. I'm just worried we're rushing and this was the wrong idea and I shouldn't have pulled him out of school." Calum sits down and massages his temples as he speaks.
"He wanted to leave. You didn't pull him. He wanted to move in with you. He's still learning how to be a submissive but he trusts you. Relax a bit or you'll stress him out more. The baby can feel stress."
"It's the same concept Calum."
"I suppose it is." He let's put a breath he was holding in.
"As a dominant of seven years, I know it is. Now, there's a folder on your desktop titled 'Monday' and I have put everything in order of importance. Just go through the list and relax about Ashton, he'll be fine."

A/N: I'm so so sorry this is a day late but life has been crazy lately, see you all tomorrow with another chapter. Drama coming soon hehe but you didn't hear that from me.

-Grace Williams xo

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